Example sentences of "[verb] it could [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 General Motors Corp may need to sell a stake in Electronic Data Systems Corp in order to overcome a $14,000m worldwide pension obligation , industry analysts told Reuter : chief financial officer Richard Wagoner said the automaker plans to make a ‘ significant contribution ’ into its pension fund this year and next year , and over the next six or seven years , hopes to eliminate its pension fund liability completely ; analysts say it could raise almost $5,000m by selling a 25% stake in the computer services giant , and Lehman Brothers automotive analyst Joseph Phillippi said he expects it either to sell a stake or return to the equity markets ; officials from both the General and British Telecommunications Plc say that any deal for the UK phone giant to buy a stake in EDS is far from certain .
2 Undergrounding some or all of the cables is seen by many as one way of lessening the visual impact of the line but NGC says it could cost up to 18 times more than overhead lines .
3 He says it could have easily been him , but they know the risk when they get ready to start .
4 Strathclyde told it could do better with green policies
5 It assumed it could do so again .
6 If the Government accepts and consults with those who are at the litigation coal face it could create truly radical and effective changes . ’
7 It was a worry when we did n't get a pension and when it did come , it alleviated things , but we know it could run out in the New Year .
8 If these benefits were aimed at the poor — the people who really need them — instead of at everybody , public spending and the taxes required to finance it could fall sharply .
9 Now their owner fears it could happen again .
10 Most observers see the index touching bottom before 15,000 but some believe it could go as low as 10,000 .
11 Watching the Trooper disappear up the road , I reckon it could go on trooping for a long time yet at the right price , with very little needing doing .
12 Shannon figures it could cost around $10,000 to $12,000 and will debut in June .
13 This is traditional children 's Christmas holiday fare and those of you with sprogs still naive enough to appreciate it could do worse than plonk them in front of this when they start the equally traditional post-present grizzling .
14 Some students entering it could have quite other claims and qualifications than A-level English .
15 But Coun Bryan Thistlethwaite ( Lab ) feared it could cost more .
16 What they felt was out in the open and they both knew it could go no further until whatever lay ahead was over .
17 So even those Protestants who do not believe that the Catholic Church would actually sanction a return to the thumbscrews if it thought it could get away with it view with profound misgivings the decline of the Protestant population of the Irish Republic from 330,000 in 1911 to 130,000 in 1971 .
18 You would n't think it could happen twice . ’
19 And today the Executive admitted it could do better when it came to grounds maintenance in that area of the city .
20 ‘ It was an horrendous attack on a little old lady in her bed and whoever did it could strike again .
21 That offer is still open and I think it could work well if people could be bothered .
22 This means it could hold on with a couple of limbs whilst feeding with the others .
23 However , National Home Loans said it was ‘ virtually certain' it could hold out against a rise until Christmas .
24 It emerged yesterday that one of the two private consortia negotiating to build the line with British Rail had rejected BR 's preferred route because it said it could cost up to £5bn .
25 we 've had it , went , he went back to the doctors today and she said it could take up to six to eight weeks to get out your system .
26 No , but she said like , she said it could come today cos she says they deliver I says is there no way I said you can give me a number I said that I could get in contact , she said no , she said were 're not allowed to do that
27 The pound dropped yesterday by almost 4 1/2 pfennigs as foreign investors switched into the powerful German currency — and economists said it could fall under 2.40 by next week .
28 The pegs were plentiful , but F not needed for a pull , and as I swept my feet from left to right across the wall on little orange nubbins and small edges below good fingerlocks , in a thin , horizontal crack , I wished it could go on and on .
29 It has yet to catch on in the Third World but when it does it could prove extremely useful .
30 Michigan 's Criminal Sexual Conduct statute held the promise of change that would be both instrumental and symbolic in impact : properly implemented it could bring about improvements in the criminal justice system , the conviction rate and the treatment of victims . ’
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