Example sentences of "[verb] it have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 Investment banking although this year it 's a very different difficult environment for investment banking particularly a house that concentrates on , on corporate finance er there has n't been a great deal of M and A activity and if , if there has it has n't been a very high erm very high ticket .
2 Yet even those outside the profession will know it has not been an easy road recently .
3 And when it 's come it 's usually been a case of you can smell something horrible like erm you know when they 're emptying the slurries out in the pig farms .
4 And what would you do if someone were to break down those pillars , Shae — scream and protest and say it had all been done against your will ? ’
5 Er and take into consideration er Act since nineteen eighty five but it does exist er and also tend to agree that we do need a , a , er transport policy which actually takes er into consideration all er members of transport but the main point about this and Chris actually raises the point , er he referred to shopping it if we support the terminal five erm planning application but we say it has n't been doing it , er on the consideration we get these other things which are on shopping list , then you are actually erm forcing the government that you have er , er and this integrated policy , the driving for in the long run .
6 But coach experts say it has n't been proved that belts are safer .
7 And they say it 's never been so good !
8 Children used to leave out hay for the kings ' horses and wake up to find it had mysteriously been replaced by presents .
9 In the ease studies so far considered it has already been made clear that the particular study itself is , as it were , the product of a set of concerns in politics .
10 They found it had not been modified in any way and could not operate on the 27–28 MHz frequency ( the FM Citizens ' Band ) .
11 I made one last effort to see if my parachute was still there , and to my amazement and relief found it had not been torn off after all .
12 Last year an East India company in the tea trade had gone bankrupt , and the court found it had actually been insolvent for a quarter of a century — which had come as a great surprise even to the directors .
13 In general , those who have emerged to lead it have often been unsuitable in personality terms and are readily to be seen as incompetent or inappropriate , even by the least perspicacious .
14 After five years he held a Council first at Pavia then at Siena , but it was so poorly attended it has not been counted as ecumenical .
15 Initially it is likely to get the Sbus versions of Freedom out into the Sparc-compatible market , and says it has already been approached by several of those suppliers .
16 Another trader is leaving a prestigious docklands shopping centre because she says it has n't been advertised enough .
17 Tony Wright … says it has n't been a good season they have n't batted well … but someone has got to take the blame and he thinks he should stand down and give someone else a chance
18 Tony Wright … says it has n't been a good season they have n't batted well … but someone has got to take the blame and he thinks he should stand down and give someone else a chance
19 Tim Jarvis says it 's always been his ambition to ride in the National and now he wants to go one step further .
20 Coach Marcia says it 's still been a great expericence .
21 Alina was holding onto the door , because the six steps that she 'd taken to reach it had almost been enough to exhaust her ; Belov dusted off his hands and came over to her now , and he took her by the shoulders and turned her around and steered her back toward the bed that she 'd just left .
22 As far as I can remember it has always been a hot one , in that season beloved of medieval lyricists .
23 For as long as I can remember it has always been a tidy , clean , friendly place .
24 of course until they notify and get it exempted which is always opened to do it 's always been opened of course to notify an answer when they get a bit of clearance should of been
25 For example , it may be permissible to use the Apple logo for brandy ( providing it has not been registered against the wines and spirits class ) and there would be little danger of the public thinking it had anything to do with the computer company .
26 I know it has n't been bad ca n't complain can we ?
27 Hundreds of callers jammed the BBC switchboard for more than an hour , complaining it had not been made clear it was make believe .
28 When she heard that a particular decision had not yet been implemented she telexed Moira , complaining : ‘ BA would be very annoyed if he heard it had not been done . ’
29 The Keraing had told us that in the 1950s a military scouting party from Makassar had angered the village by entering the caves with special equipment and making off with a good deal of valuable porcelain — indicating it had also been used as a burial-chamber by early visiting Chinese mariners .
30 You 're saying it 's all been my fault ? ’
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