Example sentences of "[verb] it be [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 Has it been rewired and is the plumbing new ?
2 Hoping that you say it was raining and er
3 Th th when the house was built it was painted and I think that used to last it 's lifetime .
4 Very cheap , but actually watch it being made and then that becomes the freebie .
5 It 's like it 's it was a you know it 's been and still is an experience you know it 's sort of n none of us almost you know we we do n't realize it 's happening and you know you like back on the minutes of .
6 Erm but one , one one , I mean cl clearly the policy which was pursued was one of inequality and there was a rich peasant economy and either you say well yes there is , there is an economic imperative for that and that 's the explanation or you say well there might have been a political factor involved in this that there was a recognition that progress was going to come through class conflict and therefore if you are actually promoting the kind of you might realize it was happening and you might be more prepared
7 ‘ They reckoned it was haunted and no one would buy it , and in the end it got in such a state they got the council to pull it down .
8 All her opponents know it is coming and , in theory , it is the easiest thing in the world to stop — you just step backwards .
9 If a right to a longer turn is obtained its ending must also be signalled so that the other participants know it is finished and a contribution from them will not be construed as an interruption .
10 It was no part of Owen 's plan to let his whole company lurk there , now that they were compromised ; in case of close inquiry that would have been all too clear an indication of Llewelyn 's unofficial complicity in the enterprise , and however little doubt Isambard himself might have on that head , it would not do to let it be established and admitted .
11 Lorenzo 's Oil , starring Nick Nolte , Susan Sarandon and Peter Ustinov , is a moving account of how the couple came up with the theory that a specialised oil could be used to treat their son 's condition , adrenoleukodystrophy ( ALD ) — and how they achieved unprecedented international scientific co-operation to ensure it was perfected and produced .
12 In the roaring contests , both individuals increase the rate of roaring until one seems to recognise it is outclassed and retreats .
13 But Ginsberg realised that it was a conditional matter , and the task of sociology as he saw it was to discern and specify the conditions under which it could continue .
14 ‘ One had a certain amount of training ; one knew it was coming and so in a way , fear did n't come into it very much .
15 apparently turned up this morning and they want a hundred pound by tomorrow , and they 're coming back tomorrow for it paying him ten pound a week and thought it was gone and he had er none so find a hundred pound by tomorrow and she did n't know where she was going to get it from , she just stood there and burst into tears and run off going on
16 and er perhaps I thought it was infected and she said yeah animals , he 's got , I mean we 've caught it early , so
17 Before any cash was received from the sheep tax it was repealed and a fourth year of the property tax substituted in its place .
18 Yeah , well it 's dead yeah but what happens is , when it dies the volts go down , that 's why the the yo your radio or whatever got it 's operating and stops working .
19 Each artefact is documented , with details of place of origin , date , artist , size , date it was stolen and a black and white illustration .
20 It 's typical Which , Problems with Wills I think it was called and then it came in the paper as Where There 's a Will there 's a Bill .
21 Had it been enraged and indignant , it could have been Conan Doyle 's .
22 Everything seemed in order until a week before your departure when the hotel contacted Saga to say it was overbooked and could n't accommodate Saga 's clients .
23 Recently , SAVE has been to the rescue of a small but delightful Methodist chapel in a Lincolnshire village , to stop it being dismantled and shipped to the USA ; the Pavilion Theatre at Ryde on the Isle of Wight , which the local council had agreed to demolish ; and a popular Hampstead pub , Jack Straw 's Castle , which , though an important work by the architect Raymond Erith , the brewers wished to alter radically .
24 They have read it was proposed and seconded by the Reverends erm Mike and Gethwyn and if there any questions I am sure that they are to answer questions rather than ask them to speak to us .
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