Example sentences of "[verb] it [adv prt] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In her haste , the wayward T-shirt had slipped , and she hooked it back on to her shoulder .
2 Chilling , not overheating , has become the danger , so the male opens up the mound during the day to make the most of the waning sun , and covers it over again at night to retain what warmth it has .
3 Plug it in anywhere in the building , and by pressing buttons you can switch appliances on and on , or dim lights , either immediately or at preset times .
4 The wheel careered onwards , carrying their chair over the summit and hurling it out again into the sickening void beyond .
5 I sometimes start an investigation by doing a bit of ‘ working-out ’ on the board and using intentionally ‘ messy ’ techniques to illustrate how useful they can be , always emphasising that they will , at some stage , have to look back at their work to write it up neatly in some form or other .
6 I mean we will be working with British Coal to work it out further in fine detail .
7 On your behalf they can approach other potential participants , negotiate a common format and basis for the figures , collect and collate the information , and send it out again in a form that disguises which figures belong to which company .
8 I mull it over silently for much of the morning .
9 He just seemed to pull it down out of the air and lay it over her
10 I snatched it up halfway through the first tinkle .
11 Then , barely 1,200 employees worked at the yard and the employee-led VSEL buy-out team built it back up to 2,500 .
12 Then he nodded at Benny who took the hammer and brought it back over his head , ready to smash it down on to the cartridge at a sign from his brother .
13 This is what cumulative evolution is all about , although , because of our high mutation rate , we have speeded it up here to unrealistic rates .
14 For instance , there 's a 19th century telegraph relay station , where human operators function like modern amplifiers — they receive a weak signal and tap it out again for the next leg of the journey .
15 Serve the sauce cold ; or warm it through just before serving .
16 He 's touched it , and he 's took it off out in the kitchen altogether , the kitchen 's !
17 Prepare the containers by filling loosely to the brim with peat compost , press it down gently with finger pressure around the rim of the tray to ensure there are no air pockets and roughly level it again , then press it down to make a firm , level surface about ½ in ( 12mm ) below the rim .
18 The name meant virtually nothing to him , and a casual observer might easily have suspected that Manville had picked it out completely at random .
19 He tried it over uneasily in front of the mirror .
20 Apply plenty of rubber solution adhesive to the back of the frame and hardboard , then carefully place the backing fabric in position , gently but firmly pressing it down all over the back and frame until it is evenly fixed .
21 And there was a move to set it up again in the late Sixties , but that got sat on .
22 Scott ran both hands through his hair , smoothing it back tight against his scalp .
23 They dropped it down again to forty one .
24 They unrolled the map which had been tucked in Snodgrass 's cloak and spread it out carefully on the ground .
25 I put it on right at the end of our conversation at yours this morning .
26 Are n't you gon na say hello to little-un , put it on there for me .
27 I put it on there with my key .
28 Ha ha stupid moron ! put it on there like that !
29 I put it down partly to the cameras . ’
30 The first few occasions I experienced this enigma I put it down simply to the fact that I was fishing too far out and the bream were brushing against the line and giving me ‘ line ’ bites .
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