Example sentences of "[verb] it [coord] [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 Yes well I think I told him a wrong , you see , there were two there there are two ways of tackling it and I do n't think the way I told him is what they want for the examination purposes , at all !
2 ‘ You might know it but I do n't . ’
3 In the chemistry I did you seem to me to be terribly empirical , you had an inorganic substance and you had to learn absolute by heart what it did if you put it in water and you heated it and you did this that and the other .
4 Gerry Addams is a man who supports the murder campaign by the I R A terrorists , always defends it and he did n't condemn the killing of the protestants on the Shankhill Road by that I R A man , he carried that I R A man 's body at the funeral , what he said was it was unfortunate that innocent people were killed .
5 ‘ What we brought into the head office was financial expertise as I 'd recognise it and it did deliver a huge benefit including giving professionally-based leadership at the centre for all the financial staff already working out there in the field .
6 I might be able to find it but I did n't put no I ca n't
7 The reason why a cut in members ' allowances was not in our budget is I think we did n't consider it and we did n't consider it because the figures involved are so small that it was n't a matter which was , as I say , worthy of financial comment , although I accept it has a political dimension .
8 Either they found it or they did n't .
9 and er he said to himself there 's something I , I , I do n't know what it is necessarily but there is something , go to a specialist and the specialist was very very good you know blah blah blah blah you want some te I want some tests , you know , so I had some tests , you know and the crew that were doing the tests they knew what they were looking for and they either found it or they did n't , do n't know .
10 Mr Banks said : ‘ How come the other 11 in the European Community want it and we do not ? ’
11 Well that 's a bit simple Irish Sean , you either want it or you do n't want it .
12 There is utter and total confusion and anything that stands still they used to say they would paint it in industry they now say market test it and they do admit to us that the end object does not necessarily mean complete contractorization or privatization , but at this particular moment in time
13 Now this is people 's traditional expectation and they still have it , whereas we 're of the mind that instead of this er you 've very cleverly got in this circle and the last day that I suddenly realized that we 're all equal and moving around in a reasonably organized manner but still we 're rather loose , whereas the traditional view is a parish councillor says it and everybody does the rest , with a few er renegades and revolutionaries at varying parts in your parish .
14 I think I know who done it but I do n't
15 He 's the one that done it and they do n't want to know no different . ’
16 round the ten every happens to everyone they work you know ten twelve is the obvious one to go for the go eight nine ten twelve fourteen and then once you do it you do n't realize you 've done it and you do n't stop .
17 There 's no fat i , there 's just a teeny little drop of oil in the mince and I and I poured the fat off after I 'd done it and I did n't really need butter in the potato so that
18 I wanted to destroy it and I did n't care about the pain .
19 she said cos she were talking , she knew tape were still running and she were pretending to say that she did n't say I could do it but she did
20 Oh , you did do it and I did n't .
21 If she said ‘ Do n't do something ’ , you did n't do it and you did n't argue .
22 And the sketches and the readings take , er take us all through literature from the eighteenth century to present day , and they , they 're just readings and sketches from that , which I do n't , I have n't actually seen it and I do n't know what it 's going to be , but I 've every confidence that whatever Edward Fox , Dorothy Tutin and Freddie Jones do , it will be quite superb in these events
23 The enemy 's base , a disused farmhouse , has been examined in great detail by an earlier reconnaissance patrol and everyone knows , in theory at least , how to reach it and What to do on arrival .
24 You would n't believe it but he did .
25 It 's possible I 've used it but I do n't erm do n't recall .
26 And I goes no he hated it , he used to get detention every day for not wearing his cap he hated it and he did n't do any work .
27 ‘ I might look it but I do n't feel it , Fernando .
28 ‘ I might understand it but I do n't know anyone who enjoys the criticism .
29 and luckily that the , the song that we did was funny and so people enjoyed it , but they did n't understand it and they did n't have a visual image of the artist 's work , so I now have to take erm a couple of pictures , er prints with me if ever were going to read it and we sing those songs but not everybody does , and then they do become excessible you know , they can see , you know , that erm , yes erm if it , if I was going to publish a book of poem I , it would have to be stated that this related to this picture and presumably it 'd have to be , it would be with it , with it
30 We were sitting there waiting to hear what the guy at the other end of the phone thought about it and he came back saying , It 's the worst thing anyone here has heard for a very long time — actually I think he was a little more abusive than that , but he went on — I do n't like it and I do n't know anyone else who would .
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