Example sentences of "[verb] it [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Images of food drew it onwards to the tall , detached house at the end of the street ; thoughts of petting and cuddling from its playful , pleasant owners made it scamper through the shadows .
2 The year-book is due to be ‘ published ’ this spring , so if you have not yet submitted your entry , please send it now to the Alumni Office or directly to Annette Chinnery at .
3 It can not , except in a thoroughly perverted form , be a satisfactory instrument for party political indoctrination and it can not live happily in a situation which subjects it continually to the harsher pressures of party political confrontation . ’
4 Slowly pull the barbell upwards , keeping it close to the stomach and chest until it is just underneath the chin and the elbows are pointing upwards .
5 Slowly raise the dumb-bell vertically as high as possible without jerking or rocking , keeping it close to the body .
6 One-arm dumb-bell rowing — slowly raise the dumb-bell without jerking or rocking , keeping it close to the body
7 ‘ We 've installed it close to the stores counter .
8 She shook her head , moved it closer to the glass , and the image changed .
9 So , if you do want a pendant light , fit it close to the window to ensure privacy .
10 Take a small piece of glass , lay a circle of acrylic sealant or putty around the edges , and press it firmly to the floor , putty side down .
11 He invariably believed completely in his own case and pursued it relentlessly to the end .
12 She shut her eyes and turned the ignition key , pressing it slightly to the left .
13 During the night I cut firewood for them , and added it secretly to the wood which the young man had cut during the day .
14 ‘ Here , ’ said Meryl , passing it across to the woman squatting beside her .
15 Magda ze Schluderpacheru was unslinging a rocket-launcher from under the bar , and passing it across to the Maniax .
16 We are forced to work fast and badly , but we do n't know whether there is any point to it because it may all be swept away in a month ; on the other hand , nothing at all may happen , in which case we will have done it badly to no purpose .
17 As he once put it wryly to a friend , ‘ the guys who have the brains ca n't get elected , and the guys who get elected do n't always have the brains ’ .
18 I must of had them on my lap and normally put it straight to the ignition .
19 Erm , does any member of the Council wish to make any comment on this resolution before I put it formally to the vote ?
20 May as well give it straight to the bank .
21 Someone drove it right to the door and charged me nothing .
22 GUIL : We played it close to the chest of course .
23 She had been on the very edge of the steep hills which surround the basin in which Orvieto sits ; and the basin itself was alive and moving , swirling with smoke , with smoky white mists which filled it almost to the brim .
24 I had explained this to Aunt Louise , who enjoyed her bath and filled it almost to the top ; but she took no notice , becoming affronted and resentful if I reminded her .
25 Moreover , both directly and through the medium of the European Community , my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary has made it plain to the Government of Israel that we deplore the closure decision and that we believe that the universities , colleges and schools should remain open .
26 Mr McTavish forbore to mention that he had n't made it quite to the same standard as his host but was obviously pleased to be included in the generalization .
27 He handed it across to the Colonel who noticed with some satisfaction that it was addressed to him by name and not merely as commanding officer .
28 The eye has to jump ahead to the source marker , or register it peripherally , and link it correctly to the preceding text .
29 Phoebe was still asleep beside her , curled up and with her back close to her daughter 's : Maggie enjoyed the moment of comfort , adding it dreamily to the shadow that was also there .
30 The text of Lumen Gentium had been more or less left alone , but it was now prefixed by an ‘ Explanatory Note ’ ( Nota praevia ) which , it was clear when Archbishop Felici communicated it formally to the Council two days later , had come from Pope Paul himself .
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