Example sentences of "[verb] it [modal v] be [that] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know it may be that I 'll be the only member er that talks in terms of a specific Euro seat er in any detail but it does matter in our area and we have a long history of arguing that case .
2 July is a significant month for your future , and with Uranus and Neptune involved it may be that you have to put your trust in the universe rather than try to control events .
3 When the wardrobes are moved it could be that they will hide the wall light switch and he 's not bothered about that one little bit !
4 Erm er so er you know it may be that you would need to work , and I 'm sure they would probably expect you to have worked with offenders erm
5 The only thing is you see if British Rail gets privatized it may be that Retford and Worksop places will lose some of the services that they already have .
6 I suppose it could be that he just wants to crow in his own back yard .
7 If you look around there a lot more physicists who are Christian than people taking the arts subjects and I reckon it could be that the arts bombard you with a lot of different views and maybe you find it hard to crystallize to say what you want ; whereas in physics we get told precisely the answer and we realize that we do n't understand it totally .
8 1.8 " Architect " means ( name ) of ( address ) or such other person as the Landlord may from time to time appoint to perform the functions of the architect under the Building Contract and notify to the Tenant as having been so appointed It may be that the landlord will entrust supervisory functions to a surveyor or some other suitably qualified person .
9 I thought it might be that there was a , we were n't covered for the liability to pick people
10 I mean it may be that Ken has not drawn these up in the right way .
11 The suggestion I 've had is that we have got held in the budgets erm land acquisition , I mean it may be that we actually pool this the , the new land acquisition after the centenary , which might be erm a way of recognizing the centenary of the , of the parish council .
12 Right I mean it could be that that the th the glide from first vowel in the diphthong to the second one and that that 's gone off so you 're left wi with a
13 I mean it could be that there 's air in it somewhere .
14 Alex Ferguson I wonder who he wants er I I think it could be that he 's after you know .
15 Dr Pertwee said it could be that the genetic substance is helping the human memory to function properly and having a controlling or modulatory role on the brain .
16 Directly accessing the experience of service users avoids inadvertently confounding measures of process and outcome ; where evaluations have used measures of , for example , individual programme goals achieved it may be that the result owes more to staff activity ( in this case , in setting achievable goals ) than to real differences in client experience ( de Kock et al. , 1988 ; Repp and Barton , 1980 ) .
17 The ideal way , way of arranging a room as I see it would be that you could have your separate rooms but have sliding doors , after all there 's nothing new in sliding doors , er , but doors opening and closing erm are restrictive , that 's only my own personal view , my wife does n't necessarily , necessarily share that view ideally if I was planning a house , the main room the main living room would be much larger than the one we live in , it would certainly be a different shape , erm when we had our golden wedding erm our visitors were so numerous that they were standing shoulder to shoulder in these two rooms and the kitchen whereas if it had been a reasonably designed house maybe we could of spread them around a little more , but they 're minor , minor defects that are not really serious .
18 You see it may be that Dean 's right I must admit I think I , I agree with Dean I think he is right that the real problem is that natural selection may have fitted us by , as it were , rigging our emotional system .
19 ‘ I forgot the hour , ’ he added , and when Fabia , glancing at her watch , saw that , incredibly , it was getting on for three , she realised that when Ven was working it must be that he did n't give thought to food .
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