Example sentences of "[verb] it [prep] [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 Yet what is interesting is that , when a query was raised as to the meaning and effect of subsection ( 2 ) , in the context of the liability of journalists to search and interrogation , the Minister of State described it in terms which are consistent only with its having been inserted to cover the case of a holder who himself was a party to the criminal purpose .
2 Since the case , the Law Commissioners have considered the matter and dismissed it in terms which raised doubts as to whether the full implications of the issues were understood .
3 For instance if I take the sentence ‘ I woke up late this morning ’ the items present in the sequence are obviously different from one another ; but according to Saussurean theory we make sense of this sentence by implicitly relating it to items which are absent from the sequence but equivalent to those in it , for instance ‘ You went down early that afternoon ’ .
4 Why not just accept experience — why try to understand it and encapsulate it in words which will necessarily have an imprisoning effect upon the insight ?
5 Although EEC policy is necessarily uniform for the Community as a whole , member governments are responsible for applying it in ways which are relevant to local problems , just as they were for identifying boundaries of their Less Favoured Areas in the first place .
6 I do n't have fancy feelings about where money comes from , so long as I earn it in ways which fit in with my flexible principles .
7 He also considered an argument based on freedom of speech , but rejected it for reasons which I consider in the next section of this judgment .
8 By including the words , avoiding areas of significant landscape value , you are by implication , directing it at areas which can be improved by for example a structure plan to increase or improve the landscape value of that area .
9 The Fourstars ' lawyer showed it to Medicare which finally relented .
10 It is generally the present tense which is used when you describe a text , even when you describe it in terms which place it in the past ( e.g. by mentioning the author ) : In Los Gusanos ( 1991 ) John Sayles describes Miami as it was in the early 1980s .
11 Barthes approaches the ‘ tutor text ’ ( Balzac 's story , Sarrasine ) and breaks it into fragments which he calls ‘ lexias ’ .
12 So , I think what you 're suggesting , if we , if we are moving it to Saturday which er is likely erm we could switch the venue to Havstock Park But
13 Such behaviour not only cleaned any dirt off the food but also coated it in salt which may have added to its flavour .
14 The second buyers compounded the goods into food for birds and the third buyers bought the compound and fed it to poultry which died because , unknown to anyone at the time of supply , the compound included minute traces of poison rendering it unfit for poultry .
15 The wording of section 3(2) appears to confine it to instruments which should have been published but , in fact , were not .
16 Prometheus tried to rival a God called Zeus by stealing fire from heaven then giving it to Earth which is similar to Frankenstein 's actions because he stole the secret of life and proposed to give this to humans until it went disastrously wrong .
17 The latest product is called FAXgrabber — which operates only in Windows — and offers the ability to take any incoming fax and convert it into text which can then be edited and inserted in other applications .
18 If my readers still doubt this let them consider the situation as we find it among societies which have not advanced as far as we have , for instance , among the aborigines of Central Australia .
19 The information systems will access data from the database and alm to transform it into information which the organisation can use .
20 ‘ … the extent of the establishment is but barely sufficient for the exigencies of the County , and it can not be contended that it is on too large or extravagant a scale ; the number of patients constantly on the books of the Infirmary ; the high reputation which it has justly acquired under the excellent management of the medical and other officers belonging to it ; the strict economy which to the general satisfaction of the Governors has been observed in the ordinary expenditure of the House … call forcibly upon the County at large to hold out a protecting hand to save it from ruin which appears inevitably to have waited , if not averted by our timely interference . ’
21 Wood can be glued very well by wetting it with water which is subsequently frozen .
22 1156 followed its own decision in Rex v. Sheridan and applied it to facts which differed from those in Rex v. Sheridan only in that the defendant had there consented to be tried by a stipendiary magistrate and had pleaded guilty before the magistrate decided to commit him for trial on indictment .
23 Zuwaya made it from elements which they knew , enjoyed , celebrated : they recited their genealogies and explained them , they told their stories , made jokes , listened to poems on cassette-recorders .
24 In their view the Commission were giving Article 100A an unduly wide construction and were using it for proposals which should properly have been based on some alternative Article of the EEC Treaty , such as Article 100 or Article 235 , which required unanimity in the Council .
25 He fished out a cigar and lighted it with fingers which were trembling .
26 It has a specific gravity of about I .4 , a refractive index of about 1.55 and is best detected by the van Wisselingh test — treatment with concentrated potassium hydroxide at 160- C for 20 minutes converts it to chitosan which gives a rose-violet colour with 0-z per cent iodine in 1 per cent sulphuric acid ( Campbell , 1929 ) .
27 It 's called FAXgrabber and it takes the fax and converts it into text which can be edited by any word-processor without the need for re-typing .
28 Again , in 1981–7 the Volkswagenstiftung funded on a large scale the ARCOS project , a system which photographs a three-dimensional archaeological object , provides a drawing and converts it into data which lend themselves easily to methods like Cluster Analysis .
29 Senior American officials were quick to dismiss it as propaganda which would not even warrant a formal reply since it had been issued through Tass .
30 To be effective in their teaching of Standard English , schools should teach it in ways which do not denigrate the non-standard dialects spoken by many pupils .
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