Example sentences of "[verb] to an [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 According to an insider the cuts were made ‘ to satisfy calls from Novell to get costs down , ’ before the acquisition is complete .
2 Everyone was too interested in singing to the actions of the game to take much notice , but as the game came to an end the Brownies saw that Brown Owl was gazing upwards with a rather troubled look on her face .
3 As 1745 , a year of defeat and near disaster , came to an end the government in London was far more concerned about the enemy presence just across the Channel than the more distant one beyond the Scottish border .
4 As the 1980s came to an end the fitness movement worldwide had become a £1 billion industry .
5 And er the War ended as you know in November eighteen and er when the War came to an end the the Government introduced a form of service whereas if er we youngsters volunteered say if you volunteered for two year they gave you twenty pound and two months leave you see , if you volunteered for three year they gave you forty pound or was it thirty , thirty forty , and er three months leave .
6 ‘ Formally , the Tyrrell Society came to an end the day of Ramsey 's funeral .
7 At first Christians looked upon the risen Jesus as the Messiah whose return was imminent and would bring to an end the existing world-order .
8 It would transfer supervision of the areas from the Bureau of Land Management ( BLM ) to the National Parks Service and would bring to an end the existing cattle ranching , mining activity and off-road vehicle use .
9 The end of the Persian War did not bring to an end the Athenian Empire , though the existence of the confederacy was now harder to justify .
10 The computer can record input and present analyses to a high level of detail , and can also dictate to an extent the order in which mathematical tasks are performed , e.g. estimation before computation .
11 By the mid-1970s the ‘ bulge ’ had nearly worked its way through the system , and this , together with disillusion with innovation in education , brought to an end the role of the education service as an expenditure growth-leader among the public services .
12 This may be reflected in the faunal changes and may have brought to an end the stable conditions represented by the pure quartzites that extend all the way from the Welsh borderland to Morocco .
13 Once it had become apparent to the farmer that the locking mechanism was broken , that had brought to an end the seller 's obligation that the coupling continue to be reasonably fit for its purpose .
14 The EPLF offensive against Massawa , beginning on Feb. 8 , had brought to an end the unofficial ceasefire observed by the front since the unsuccessful coup attempt against President Mengistu Haile Mariam in April 1989 [ see p. 36646 ] .
15 A statement by the Justice Department on March 2 said that press reports had created an " untrue impression " that an announcement in Parliament by Justice Minister Coetsee on Feb. 26 concerning the carrying out of the death sentence had brought to an end the moratorium on executions .
16 And in 1937 , just as their " reign " was coming to an end the Bugatti claimed one of racing 's greatest prizes by winning Le Mans with Wimille and Robert Benoist in the driving seat .
17 His legal advisers are anxious to establish a functioning police and judiciary system so that Somalis can begin to administer themselves — and thus bring to an end the violent anarchy that has caused the death from famine of up to 400,000 people .
18 Gen. Blagoje Adzic , the hardline JNA Chief of Staff , vowed in a television appearance on July 2 to establish control and bring to an end the war which he said had been forced upon the army .
19 On May 28 , 1991 , the government announced a new transport initiative which would ( i ) bring to an end the monopoly of freight and passenger services on its own tracks in advance of an eventual privatization of British Rail ; ( ii ) improve grants for the construction of freight distribution facilities ; ( iii ) involve the private sector in more road construction ; and ( iv ) relieve urban road congestion .
20 For instance : how does one convey to an audience the notion of a ship travelling in time ?
21 But perhaps Governor Clinton 's most remarkable achievement will have been bringing to an end the Reagan-Bush years .
22 An annual subscription of £21 to the funds of Bedford County Hospital was sanctioned , thereby bringing to an end the disagreement which had begun 10 years earlier .
23 If he has any social reform plans , he should approach the Minister of Health who is at this very moment bringing to an end the old Poor Law … ’
24 A government of national salvation by another name , it includes several non-party technocrats , the leader of the Greens and , most important , three members of the Democratic Party of the Left ( PDS ) , bringing to an end the former Communists ' 45 years of political ostracism .
25 They forbade lavish wedding ceremonies , bringing to an end the glitzy Punjabi wedding .
26 Of course the Government are not satisfied with that , but at least it is clear that our efforts are having an impact and are bringing to an end the unsatisfactory increase in the number of homeless in bed-and-breakfast accommodation — which is falling in London , and is virtually stable across the rest of the country .
27 Le Monde of Oct. 5 , 1989 , reported that Parliament had approved a law allowing the establishment of local private television stations and thereby bringing to an end the state broadcasting monopoly .
28 The most complex form of representation is where expression ( dramatic playing ) in the actor exists alongside his attempt to represent to an audience the character 's expression .
29 The General Strike is often taken as the symbol of the industrial relations of these years — and is seen as an event which brought to an end the militant trade unionism of almost two decades .
30 The General Strike is often taken as the symbol for the industrial relations of these years — and is seen as an event which brought to an end the militant trade unionism of almost two decades .
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