Example sentences of "[verb] to be seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Remember that it was designed to be seen from 20ft below and back .
2 The school does need to be seen to be taking a sensible and fairly consistent line or doubts will be raised about the strength of school management and accusations of double standards will fly .
3 In some cases you will need to be seen for further investigation and/or treatment .
4 Only your detective , perhaps , will need to be seen in somewhat greater depth , since your readers have got to sympathise with him or her and to do that they probably need more than just one point of contact .
5 The turnabout is expected to be seen as disastrous news by purists — not only in the United States but here in Britain , because of the speed with which language fashions cross the Atlantic .
6 So far about 35 of the exclusive cars have been delivered by Jaguar , though few are expected to be seen on the road .
7 ‘ Good ’ work has to be seen as More than crime-fighting : ‘ Like , this is the sort of job that you come off at the end of the night and say to yourself ‘ What did I do ? ’
8 In this context ‘ easing ’ has to be seen as a means to accomplishing routine community police work , not as an alternative to it .
9 ‘ Anything that can be come to encourage companies to increase their efforts or to consider exporting as a viable means of increasing profitability has to be seen as a most worthwhile and objective exercise . ’
10 Crime , then , has to be seen as a socially variable phenomenon : it reflects what particular societies and governments , at particular times , include within their criminal laws and practices .
11 To do this , education has to be seen as a continuing life process linked to social and economic activity at all points and not just as a precursor to employment and a dependent adjunct thereafter .
12 That is why the peace process , for which Israel has been striving for 44 years , has to be seen as the only viable solution .
13 Lest it be thought that I have singled out young persons as a special problem , let me hasten to add that I think that the behaviour of youth cultures has to be seen as a mirror image of the adult society .
14 But responsibility for the developing conflict with the Jewish community as with the hostility of the Labour movement , has to be seen as a matter of convergence .
15 In general , however , the developments of BUF anti-semitism from a rather vague ideological formulation to a virulent political weapon has to be seen as part of the strategy of lining up fascist sentiments behind regional issues , which attracted popular attention in different localities .
16 So my beliefs constitute an extremely important constraint on my behaviour and , bearing in mind that what we believe to be right or wrong is , to a large extent , learnt behaviour , that we do not inherit such beliefs , it is obvious that the source of these beliefs has to be seen as a major constraint on , and determinant of , our behaviour .
17 The signal has to be seen as one which is appropriate for putting our message across .
18 From this brief description , it can be seen that a policy to deal with low pay has to be seen as a policy in miniature of planning a continuing renaissance of British industry .
19 The sociology of culture , in its most recent and most active forms , has to be seen as a convergence of very different interests and methods .
20 To a great extent this democratic movement has to be seen as a class movement : first of the bourgeoisie seeking freedom from feudal constraints and aristocratic rule , and subsequently of the working class seeking its liberation from the domination of the bourgeoisie .
21 Having used both Ami Pro 3.0 and Word 2 for Windows ( which has to be seen as the main competition as it is the number one heavyweight word processor ) I find that I do prefer Ami Pro for one simple reason — its use of colour .
22 This is particularly important when the head has to be seen as one among many who play their part in a community .
23 But that same militant masculinity has to be seen for the contradictory and often conservative force that it is .
24 The avalanche of red tape surrounding events such as this ( the entire population of New Delhi appears to be employed handing out forms to fill in ) has to be seen to be believed , and it is by no means certain that , come 1 November , there will be any paper left to provide the winners with their cheque .
25 In Opposition , of course , you have to criticise harder but that criticism has to be seen to be reasonable if you are to succeed .
26 It has to be seen to be more socially responsible , to make people feel more comfortable about owning a Rolls . ’
27 Leicester Square on a Sunday night has to be seen to be believed , and half the police are queer too ! ’
28 It is not unknown for barbel to pull a rod into the water with a speed and viciousness that has to be seen to be believed , even when the angler has only glanced away from his rod for a few seconds .
29 To be sure that a patient is truly regaining their health , it is of no value just to know that the symptoms of his complaint have been relieved , rather the focus of his disease has to be seen to be shifting into less important areas , that is , moving down the hierarchy .
30 Fully restored rooms include the office of the Clerk of the Course , a '30s billiard room and the all-pink Barbara Cartland Room , which has to be seen to be believed …
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