Example sentences of "[verb] to me be [that] " in BNC.

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1 All that matters to me is that this technology will save Carly 's life . ’
2 ‘ What this says to me is that the middle and upper classes are being taught how to control the machine , and the lower class is being controlled by it , ’ he said .
3 The first thought that came to me was that I had n't got my clean bloomers on .
4 The worst thing that happened to me was that I was moved to another hut on the Waaf site and found myself amongst a very superior set of girls who worked in Radar .
5 But what happened to me was that my head was bitten off almost literally .
6 ‘ What I feel you are saying to me is that this previous relationship is something you do n't want to talk about in front of Tom .
7 But what you 're saying to me is that there are six double O ones and
8 The MAFF view given to me is that a detailed assessment in England and Wales would be extremely time consuming and costly , probably taking eight years to complete .
9 I went and told them , ‘ One way or another , what 's happened to me is that I 've been burgled … ’ .
10 The reason which they gave to me was that they did not believe that a man with my social background could win a General Election for the Conservative Party at that time in the twentieth century .
11 Yeah the the way it was put to me was that the Pembroke Hall would be part of the deal er but that the Isle of Man company was not particularly enthusiastic about having the er the the the poison pill of the Pembroke Hall wrapped in with the deal cos it does n't make money .
12 Er my Lord , the added bit of information that was , that erm was then passed to me was that when the man rang the police station the information that he gave to the telephonist included the fact that the occupants of the flat were frightened .
13 Erm , well what your mum and dad said to me is that he gets very worried , het up , really tensed about doing things , that 's going , you know , things that are gon na happen , like just driving down to a different place , er and he get 's himse himself so het up , so worried , he makes himself ill , I think that 's what 's happened
14 Mr Christie , in an exclusive interview with TODAY , said at the time : ‘ When I saw Sue in prison , almost the first thing she said to me was that the sentence was wrong . ’
15 Her position as expressed to me was that if the private sector wanted to use its own money for the tunnel then we should certainly not stand in the way .
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