Example sentences of "[verb] to some other [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Iraqis moved armour into positions south of Basrah to block the more obvious of these steps and the Iranians evidently decided that Kuwait could be attended to some other time .
2 This is not to imply that they are exceeding their disciplinary mandate in examining topics which might be said to belong to some other discipline ; simply that their interests in doing so are different .
3 Then it became apparent that she was holding to some other lodestar .
4 In order to retrieve a piece of information , its address is placed in the SAR and a ‘ read ’ signal sent to the store ; after some delay , the information is available in the SDR , for routing to some other part of the computer .
5 In fact theatrical imagery is , and always has been derogatory , used to expose human pretence , or the futility of secular life compared to some other existence or system .
6 ‘ You know very well that you are not ; if you were so , I should have myself driven to some other park . ’
7 However , the standard question for a predicative adjective which does not correspond to some other set interrogative phrase is what … like ?
8 So I came on the Monday night to the Guild and it , it was n't long after , only a matter of weeks , before this lady erm she er came back home from Canada seeing to some other woman and er she just sat down and died .
9 Referred to some other coordinate choice , i.e. .
10 Either the Psalm gives a very different version of the events of 167 or it refers to some other trouble which has left no trace in our tradition , for instance during the wars of the successors of Alexander at the end of the fourth century .
11 Their nerves may be painful when cold and if the affected part is kept warm the pain goes to some other place that is uncovered .
12 Yes , you did n't fancy moving from Liverpool then , and apply to some other second-rate football centre then ?
13 Thus , it is assumed that a test of linguistic ability actually measures language as opposed to some other characteristic .
14 ‘ You ca n't take one decision on a particular area of reform in isolation because everything relates to some other aspect , so we are carrying the study of the different components of reform forward on a broad front . ’
15 He can continue to appeal , or go to some other level , until he feels justice has been done .
16 I am not trying to suggest that there is some conspiracy at work to centralise the importance of Shakespeare when it should be more widely shared or go to some other figure .
17 Get out , every one of you ; go to some other room .
18 If you are on the Pill , and suspect you have candidiasis , you should ask your doctor about changing to some other form of contraception .
19 I knew Silvia was n't doing the hours we 'd agreed on , but I decided it was possible that you 'd come to some other arrangement — ’
20 If the members of the academic community do not possess the rights in question , then they must belong to some other grouping , whether agencies of the state , local councillors , professional bodies or even students .
21 She began thinking about the possibility of at last talking to some other female about it all — not Alison , because she was the maternal type — but perhaps a professional .
22 Then , a few days later , after the pigeons have had time to rest , they may be taken to some other point , perhaps one hundred miles south this time , and they will repeat the trick .
23 I may object on a point of fact ( ‘ There are no gibbons there now ’ ) or by appealing to some other end or principle ( ‘ You ought not to put that problem off any longer ’ ) .
24 Any piece of computer equipment which has to be fitted to some other equipment , such as a replacement " card " ( printed circuit board containing integrated circuits ) which has to be a certain shape , or have a certain type of connector , in order to fit into a computer will also fall into the first part of the exception .
25 And although other people were certainly present they seemed to have faded to some other level of reality , very far removed from herself and this bulky , swarthy man who was letting her know , without a word , not only that he had her , but that should he now refuse to open the trap and let her in she would plead with him to do so .
26 A preference by employers that bargaining relationships should follow the contours of an entire industry , or relate to some other multiple of firms , was often matched by similar union attitudes towards bargaining structure .
27 So the removal of family behaviour and disputes to some other arena is regarded as advantageous for instrumental purposes and for the preservation of law 's purity .
28 What we will end up with , no matter who wins , is a Minister for Sport who sits some distance from the corridors of power , who will likely be attached to some other ministry like Agriculture and Fisheries ( file ‘ Sport ’ under ‘ Codswallop ’ ) and who will spend a parliamentary career powerless , penniless and potless .
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