Example sentences of "[verb] to [pn reflx] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 And the thing growled and howled to itself in the centre of its blind struggle .
2 MUR ON TIG WON The disagreeable experience of listening to oneself in the middle of a long speech and neither understanding what one is saying nor enjoying the manner in which it is being said ; a foreign accent ; a lion breaking wind after the evening repast
3 We pray for men and women in lands where there is hatred of one group for another , that their hearts may be turned to yourself in the search for righteousness and truth .
4 ( If you are reluctant to commit yourself to paper , speak to yourself in a mirror . )
5 Basically these procedures attempt to teach the individual to talk to themselves in a confident and positive manner which anticipates success in the given task .
6 Damn Julius ! she muttered to herself in a great surge of resentment .
7 Henry himself never had anything interesting to do ) , he squeezed close to the wall and coughed to himself in an extra drab way .
8 Country people may well have to look to themselves in the future , and to the skills of men like Dave Dunn .
9 There was no sound except for a pigeon burbling to itself in the road , pecking at horse-dung .
10 He smiles to himself in the mirror .
11 A threadbare rug covered the stone of the floor , and a human skull grinned to itself in the corner .
12 ‘ You know , Dorothy , you and I have one thing in common , ’ I remember saying to myself in a Dutch accent , ‘ we both only got as far as Harwich . ’
13 Her shriek awakened the house , and Coleridge , who had been asleep when his father returned , knew at once what it signified , saying to himself in the darkness , ‘ Papa is dead . ’
14 Googol talked to himself in a muffled manner or merely droned — hard to say which — whenever he was in space .
15 With setts that I watch regularly , I usually talk to myself in a low , quiet voice as I arrive and just before I leave .
16 He refers to himself in the third person quite frequently , almost as if his stage persona is a separate being .
17 When 1911 came I often marvel to myself in the name of Heaven how it was done " .
18 Wexford chuckled to himself in the car .
19 In this case , as in the poems discussed by Green , no addressee is mentioned or seems to be present within the evoked setting , so that the poetic persona can be imagined either as a thinking mind or as a speaker talking to himself in a solitary environment .
20 she were talking to herself in the end !
21 When teachers , matrons , the housemistress and finally the headmistress all started to show some concern and more disapproval at my unco-operative ( anorexic ) behaviour , I refused to answer their questions , or even to talk to them at all , and during the course of their homilies I merely stared out of the window or smiled to myself in a superior , scornful sort of way .
22 He had seen the look of greed on Bull O'Malley 's face and he smiled to himself in the dark .
23 Oliver , being left to himself in the undertaker 's shop , set the lamp down on a workman 's bench , and gazed timidly about him with a feeling of awe and dread , which many people a good deal older than he will be at no loss to understand .
24 Anna looked at Peter again and said to herself in a guilty whisper , ‘ Will he become even more difficult ? ’
25 Annie recalls , in fictional form , the event which led to the rift in their friendship , apparently referring to herself in the third person .
26 Suggesting something which the child can say to himself/herself in a crisis ( 'self-talk ’ ) can be surprisingly helpful : ‘ I am in control ; I can manage .
27 I 'm smiling to myself in the darkness , Timmy — I wish you could see me .
28 Children do not listen to themselves in the way that adults ( sometimes ) do .
29 Then , through the emergence of conscious mind in the world , the Absolute Geist returns to itself in a new kind of self-awareness ( the synthesis ) .
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