Example sentences of "[verb] to [det] [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 As in the Z2 Carbonate , the platform sediments prograded to some extent over the top of already deposited slope carbonates and , consequently , a lower unit of slope and upper unit of platform sediments is commonly encountered in the Z3 Carbonate ( Fig. 28 ) .
2 Liza , apathetic and unable to come to any decision over the baby 's name , allowed Harriet to choose Celia , having said it would have been her and Tom 's choice had they produced a second daughter .
3 However , the two parties failed to come to any agreement over plans for the construction of autoroute A16 , linking Boulogne with Amiens .
4 The first part of this investigation will assess the statistical evidence relating to this market over the period 1960-1989 concentrating on the aggregate relationship between teacher 's relative earnings , teacher supply and the demand for teachers .
5 Oh shit I 've got ta go and speak to that boy over there , see you .
6 Listen to that tick over Bert , ’ he whispered , ‘ What a beauty . ’
7 Whereas they eventually came to some agreement over the various ‘ courses ’ , they argued vehemently over Elisabeth 's insistence that the recital should both begin and close with Strauss 's Morgen .
8 See , I 've got to talk to this guy over a working breakfast at my hotel first thing in the morning . ’
9 He chose a route back down the hill that did not involve too many serious gradients , moving from Roseberry Road to Warburton Drive to Chesterton Terrace and , from there , doubling back along a series of streets with an offensively tangible air of esprit de corps — Lowther Park Drive , where people called to each other over their Volvos and , even worse , Stapleton Road , a place that seemed almost permanently on the verge of a street party .
10 The focus on studying behaviour also led to much dispute over the appropriate level at which to try to explain that behaviour .
11 It did seem that the mother 's intrusion in quarrels led to more conflict over the longer term .
12 Other girls at Group included ‘ Jolly Molly ’ — plump and good-natured ; Harriet , who was trying to improve her mind and always listened to the afternoon plays on BBC radio ( relayed to each hut over the Tannoy system ) ; Veronique , who was stage-mad and had a friend in the current London production of Lady Windermere 's Fan , and dough-faced Olive ( more about her a bit further on ) .
13 Sir Ralph Grunte had gone to some trouble over his constituency dinner party , La Noblesse being by no means cheap .
14 Scholars differ to some extent over the precise reasons why British ministers finally gave way .
15 So instead of ringing each other up on the telephone we spoke to each other over the C.B. as you do n't have to pay each time you speak as when you speak on a C.B. your words travel with Radio waves and when you speak on a telephone your words travel down wires .
16 An inveterate reader of newspapers , his understanding of what constitutes ‘ a good story ’ had been put to some use over the years in the cause of promoting his own artists , not least the Sex Pistols .
17 But you know we have to look beyond the first year or two , we have to look at what 's going to happen to that school over a much longer period of time , and quite frankly erm I would feel safer with erm what was called the big brother of the Local Authority .
18 Erm , cos I just thought he was guessing , you know , and he said he says , I did n't see him , he said I only saw him and pointed to this girl over the other side of the room he was standing beside you when you were in the chair .
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