Example sentences of "[verb] to [pron] and give " in BNC.

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1 The progress during the first year of recovery will vary from one person to another but for most people this first year in any Fellowship is spent mainly in compliance : doing what is suggested by people more experienced in the Anonymous Fellowships , attending meetings , contributing to them and giving practical service in them , progressively working the 12 Steps with the guidance of a sponsor and generally learning to use the various suggested techniques of staying away from one 's primary addictive substance or behaviour and learning to deal with stressful situations in a more appropriate manner than previously .
2 We paddled to her and gave her a lift back to her house .
3 She can contact the hospital or the Social Services where who 've agreed to er to talk to her and give her all the advice and comfort that she needs .
4 It is perfectly in order to pause before answering a question so that you can be totally sure you have understood what has been said to you and to give some thought to your answer .
5 He turned to me and gave me his habitual smile-implying parting of the beard .
6 As Frodo feels the pressure of the Eye on Amon Hen , a Voice speaks to him and gives him a moment of freedom to act .
7 If I was you now I 'd go to him and give it to him , I tell you !
8 I 'll write to you and give you the information .
9 I have a solicitor in England who will reply to them and give them instructions . ’
10 She 'll talk to you and give you advice and say , ‘ Now behave yourself , do n't get into no trouble . ’
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