Example sentences of "[verb] to [pron] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 They may be talking about membership of Ulster 's protestant secret societies , particularly the Orange order , the Royal Black Preceptory , and the Apprentice Boys ' Club ; or about religion — being saved , being a church member , or even a non-practising protestant ; or what appear to them to be key ethical issues such as drink , tobacco , and money ; or they may simply be describing in ordinary everyday language life in the family , on the farm , and in the village .
2 VISCOUNT CAVE L.C. : No doubt there is an absolute unconditional obligation binding the police authorities to take all steps which appear to them to be necessary for keeping the peace , for preventing crime , or for protecting property from criminal injury ; and the public , who pay for this protection through the rates and taxes , can not lawfully be called upon to make a further payment for that which is their right …
3 — ( 1 ) Where , at the beginning of the transitional period , there is no students ' association established for the students of the college , the college council shall , as soon as is practicable after that date ( after consultation with such persons as appear to them to be representative of students of the college ) , make a scheme for the establishment of a students ' association for students of the college .
4 ‘ High or low will seldom suit the taste of a painter who will always move over the surface of his near grounds till the component parts of his subject appear to him to be arranged in the best possible order . ’
5 If the Secretary of State is satisfied … that any local education authority … have acted or are proposing to act unreasonably … he may … give such directions … as appear to him to be expedient .
6 In Albert v. Lavin the question posed for the House of Lords was ‘ whether a constable who reasonably believes that a breach of the peace is about to take place is entitled to detain any person without arrest to prevent that breach of the peace in circumstances which appear to him to be proper . ’
7 ’ unless such allegations go to a matter in issue ( including the credibility of the witness ) which is material to his lay client 's case and which appear to him to be supported by reasonable grounds . ’
8 The legislation requires the secretary of state to prepare a schedule of monuments which appear to him to be ‘ of national importance ’ .
9 You appear to me to be fussy and pedantic .
10 ‘ … there is not as yet any public hospital or infirmary … in or near the Town of Bedford or in the County of Bedford for the reception and relief of sick and lame Objects within the same Town and County such as those in Northampton and Leicester Counties and which appear to me to be very much wanted … and are usually created by public subscriptions … . ’
11 Since then there have been fundamental changes , and few of his principles appear to me to be applicable to the modern Constitution .
12 Forcing values upon another without full discussion of what are to count as rights and duties appear to me to be anti-educational .
13 Stars are so far away that they appear to us to be just pinpoints of light .
14 Sometimes we appear to ourselves to be making sense , sometimes we seem to be obviously deranged , and sometimes our thoughts are driven by the vivid imagery of dreams .
15 He wants to come to you to be friends but is not sure .
16 We are looking at or , we will be looking at all grants that are made by all committees , to decide which ones in our view should be recommended to you to be treated as a corporate kind of grant .
17 She did n't want the fact that she had written to me to be discovered , and perhaps be seen by her parents as another act of disobedience , causing another row .
18 He secured some West Riding support for what came to him to be a cause , but his own town , proud of its independence in educational provision , was reluctant to set up a school board after the Education Act of 1870 .
19 Peasants came to her to be reminded of a particular tale the details of which they had mislaid in the mists of childhood ; more sophisticated members of the community , less concerned with the tale than the teller , made the journey to Elling in an effort to keep alive a tradition that had died elsewhere .
20 The notion of giving a helping hand to a new literature produced against these overwhelming odds would naturally appear to her to be anathema .
21 ( 2 ) At or after the preliminary appointment if there be one , the arbitrator shall fix a date for the dispute to be heard ( unless the parties consent to his deciding it on the statements and documents submitted to him — an unusual course not usually acceptable to the parties or the district judge ) and he shall give such directions regarding the steps to be taken before and at the hearing as may appear to him to be necessary or desirable .
22 Perhaps I should always take the case for his solution as being 20% stronger than it would otherwise appear to me to be .
23 Similarly , the young lady/old woman figure can not appear to me to be a picture of a young lady unless I possess the concept of age , and all the other concepts involved in that of age .
24 Undoubtedly , as a general rule , the seller wants to get the highest price for his property , and the purchaser wishes to give the lowest , and in that sense it may be said that an expected difference between the parties is to be implied in every case , but unless a difference has actually arisen , it does not appear to me to be an " arbitration " .
25 Undoubtedly , if two persons enter into an arrangement for the sale of any particular property , and try to settle the terms , but can not agree , and after dispute and discussion respecting the price , they say , " We will refer this question of price to AB , he shall settle it " , and thereupon they agree that the matter shall be referred to his arbitration , that would appear to be an " arbitration " , in the proper sense of the term … ; but if they agree to a price to be fixed by another , that does not appear to me to be an arbitration .
26 For all practical purposes at this stage sir she may appear to you to be a fit and proper person I 've no doubt the Licensing Committee will want to know a lot more about the situation sir .
27 The European consortium did not appear to us to be particularly cohesive in their aims and objectives .
28 If it does , it would appear to us to be another black hole that formed and then evaporated .
29 That seemed to me to be a perfectly proper use of what the company had to offer .
30 That seemed to me to be a nice balance — good for our shareholders , good for our company and good for the country , as I saw it .
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