Example sentences of "[verb] in the [noun sg] this " in BNC.

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1 As he had stressed in The Rock this was not in the sense of information , but rather in the sense of consciousness of values ; and he deplored a situation where the term society implied simply a group of ‘ well connected ’ and affluent people , which had almost no relation to that other group or society which maintained moral and intellectual standards , which for him was the church .
2 but I sh I , my opinion is the test we should apply when determining this application surely is , if we were today , nineteen ninety three , preparing a development plan for would we include in the plan this site for development ?
3 Well I do n't think we have because I do n't think it 's been included in the programme this year .
4 Just 2 mallard ducks ; an adult male and female were caught in the decoy this time .
5 However , whilst ANDF is unlikely to appear in the market this year , Goldstein says OSF plans a conference on the technology for the end of the year to find out which companies are interested in running the stuff to market and how it can be best introduced to an industry audience already blinded by science .
6 3 peregrines have been shot in the region this year , despite their status as a protected species :
7 WRITING in the Lancet this year , a Glasgow team led by Professor Rona MacKie , identified four key ‘ risk factors ’ :
8 Indeed , one of the most disgraceful things that we have seen in the Chamber this week was the Maastricht agreement which , in terms of social policy , means that the opportunity to do so much to support the family , children and working mothers has been lost .
9 Both sides have struggled in the league this year and Haslemere were grateful for the time and space they were allowed in this match .
10 In most cases the length of I provides a useful assessment of the mean diameter , and if determinations are to be made in the field this diameter provides a useful measure of average size .
11 I mean , if you look in the budget this year , one parent benefit was frozen , the additional personal allowance that 's paid for one parents for taxation was also frozen , and the government does not like paying any benefits to one parent families because horror of horrors !
12 Richard Marpole highlights the natural wonders you can see in the countryside this month and described a nature walk in Dartmoor
13 I read in the paper this morning that if you smoke you 're less likely to develop Alzheimer 's disease than if you do n't .
14 Now we either are going in the direction this morning , or rather I think you 're being pressed to go in the direction of seeking to identify in due course , what is the preferred general location , and this undoubtedly is something you can hang your hat on .
15 With 17 weddings to be celebrated in the church this summer , bellringers knew it was time to hold an open day to recruit more people to help ring the church 's six bells .
16 Mr Blackburn said the City would be ‘ scratching around ’ to find profit increases in the industry this year , although falling profits did not suggest societies were financially unsound .
17 But most bizarre is one which arrived in the office this week .
18 A branch of Harry Ramsden 's fish and chips , a legendary name in the world of Yorkshire grub , opened in the colony this week and business is booming .
19 With Severiano Ballesteros , Nick Faldo , Ian Woosnam and several leading Americans also in the field , Olazabal does not have the incentive of trying to gain a place in next week 's World Matchplay at Wentworth : he has already been invited to play in the event this year .
21 He was known for wanting to be photographed from every conceivable angle and vigorously applauded when making his inflammatory speeches , and I was looking forward to seeing in the flesh this extraordinary man of whom my parents had brought me up to disapprove .
22 Have you come to ride in the race this afternoon ? ’
23 The news was welcomed by members of Darlington Health Authority which has now reversed a trend , after having some of the fastest growing waiting lists in the region this time last year .
24 Did they have in the road this wide , when they could 've had
25 Meanwhile , Derby must tackle Pisa without Martin Kuhl and Craig Short , who have previously appeared in the competition this season with Portsmouth and Notts County .
26 By coincidence , the British Medical Association was represented in the House this week to report on its study of hazardous waste in the west midlands in the very same district of Walsall to which I referred .
27 I was reading in the paper this morning , a chap , he 's a director of a big company in Birmingham , who was the world 's number one football fan , he used to spend about a thousand a year watching football , you know .
28 I made him let me walk in the cellar this morning .
29 Did you look good when you looked in the mirror this morning ?
30 Did this come in the post this morning ?
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