Example sentences of "[verb] a long [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 And so , although she had hated having to do it , Laura had forced herself to write a long letter to Ross , saying how very much she loved and missed him — and could n't they still try to salvage something from the wreck of their marriage ?
2 There is little room for poetry — a product of the despised Fancy — in all this ; yet Wordsworth was in the Locke tradition when he rejected the ‘ gaudy and inane phraseology ’ of the Fancy and devoted a long poem to the description of how Nature ( in Locke 's sense of the whole external world rather than simply mountains and lakes ) formed his mental character .
3 Resuming the journey from Stone House Bridge , the road now starts a long climb to its summit , rising gently at first and with the Dee an inseparable companion alongside .
4 The woodland , marching up the hill , vanished before it but reached an arm around to the west , fringing the road , and then ran behind it to the north , forming a long backdrop to the palm house and the terraces .
5 It 's something you use to get you from A to B , I guess , and right now that seemed a long way to me .
6 It seemed a long way to the building , but eventually she heard his footsteps on wood and knew they had arrived .
7 A month seemed a long time to him too .
8 Glancing down , it seemed a long drop to the gravel and the sleek cars waiting below .
9 As it happened , speaking a number of languages , I had more access to the room in which the drivers were locked up than most , and I filed a long despatch to The Times about the issues in the strike and the feeling among the drivers .
10 I remember a Rhodesian in our squadron writing a long letter to the ‘ Malta Times ’ about this very subject , but I do n't think it was ever published . ’
11 They are most grateful for a pump within yards of their homes , instead of having to walk a long way to a dirty water-hole .
12 Mr Harley , who made a long statement to me at the time , would doubtless have indicated if the Bawdsey site was ever raided from the sea .
13 It was not possible to raise the necessary capital , or to sell or grant a long lease to developers , where the only marketable title was the life estate of the head of the family .
14 In Fox 's case , practice obviously goes a long way to making perfect .
15 The actual construction of a carpet goes a long way to determining how long it will keep its original appearance .
16 The incident goes a long way to explaining Chapman 's later enthusiasm for floodlit football .
17 People do n't usually hit out unless they are upset or angry , so showing you understand their feelings goes a long way to preventing them from expressing that anger towards you .
18 In this way , the learner will gain confidence , and this goes a long way to promoting safe practice if at a later time adequate guidance and support are lacking .
19 Huntington 's argument goes a long way to making clear the disappointment a reader experiences if he approaches the Wellsian SF novels in chronological order .
20 After all , that is the first thing about us that others see and a well-groomed , well-dressed image reflected back at us from the mirror goes a long way to bolstering our private and public confidence .
21 This is a real advantage when using the A2 live and also goes a long way to keeping the engineer happy in the studio , without taking precious minutes to reprogram .
22 Health Secretary Virginia Bottomley is a regular , and the restaurant also goes a long way to explaining Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke 's well-rounded appearance .
23 Whether it 's a long-term or short-term problem you will find gentle exercise and relaxation through yoga will be beneficial to you mentally and physically , and we always find that a good massage goes a long way to easing tension and making you feel better .
24 The WYSIWYG add-in goes a long way to helping you see how your masterpiece will eventually print out — but only approximately ( it 's pretty much like Windows 1-2-3 in that respect ! ) .
25 Bourdieu goes a long way to remedying this defect in his treatment of actual practices in his structure ( fields ) .
26 That undoubtedly goes a long way to explaining the inspectors ' report .
27 The Law Society have now introduced the Client Care Scheme , which goes a long way to bonding this relationship at the outset .
28 Little was known about the products of many of these areas , and much research still needs to be done but Collecting Lustreware goes a long way to redressing the balance .
29 And everybody was getting a bit bored with it cos as it dragged on this is s seven months when you know a long time to be I never thought it would have gone this as long as that when we started off with it .
30 The gendarme came over to the table and began a long address to Lambert , who listened politely , commenting ‘ Peut-être ’ , from time to time .
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