Example sentences of "[verb] a very great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There may well be room for one or two such centres in other places , but in our view the success of the centre in Birmingham owes a very great deal to the almost evangelical enthusiasm of those who run it .
2 ‘ it is not the great mass of publications ( each constituting but a minor increment to the sum of human knowledge ) which contribute most to scientific progress , but a small number of key papers , each of which has a very great impact on the advance of knowledge … only a very few elite scientists produce work that becomes the base for future discoveries . ’
3 Here we had a poor suffering sergeant — he suffered a very great deal every time a new ‘ shower ’ like this lot came his way — just on the verge of retirement .
4 If there was a " consumer revolution " in eighteenth-century England , it must have owed a very great deal to an improvement in road transport which , according to one writer , allowed " our very carriages to travel with almost winged expedition " .
5 We were n't really in love , but it seemed a very great deal like it at the time , before we spoiled it ; we both thought we were , and how can you tell for sure when it 's the first time and you 've nothing to compare it with ?
6 ‘ All the polling organisations , like our own private polling , demonstrate a very great firmness of support in those who say thus far that they are going to be voting Labour , and softness in Conservative support . ’
7 Then I suddenly saw that Syl , too , must look a very great fool , for he was twice my age and I was n't beautiful , nor talented , nor in the least degree interesting .
8 I owe nothing to Mr. Ingard or Mr. Lennis — I owe a very great deal to Mr. Andrew , and his father .
9 ‘ We 've got a very great respect for Arthur . ’
10 After all , rhyme and metre are forms of equivalence which distinguish a very great deal of poetry , yet nowadays few would maintain that the presence of either or both is a necessary and sufficient condition for defining a text as poetic .
11 It seems to me that our leaders somehow or another have simply got to be persuaded that we are prepared to sacrifice a very great deal erm to secure erm a new attitude .
12 I do n't know whether other oldies have the same sort of dreams , but they bring a very great compensation ; and you wake up feeling very excited having met your old friends again . ’
13 However , the scale of the Bank 's operations makes it improbable that even a substantial increase in its consumer lending would make a very great impact on credit options available to people in lower socio-economic groups .
14 I know for certain that your giving me Michel 's address will make a very great difference to the two of them .
15 Finance in modern local government plays a very great part and the skilful treasurer with an appreciation of modern methods and legislation and by close study of money prices on the stock market can effect great financial saving to the local authority whom he serves .
16 This represents a very great pool of linguistic competence .
17 Although the process is powerful it is by no means easy to use because it requires a very great deal of imagination and conceptual skill .
18 Our young people see and hear a very great deal of radio and television , together with movies and records , and these form an important element in their lives .
19 While the Council did not fully accept this viewpoint by any means , it owed a very great deal to it in its most influential formulations .
20 You have it in you to awaken a very great love .
21 To expect a man to understand it about another man 's son is expecting a very great deal . ’
22 and have a decent life to get a first or either a two one in economics you have got to read a very great deal , you 've got to be a reader , a student a taker of notes , a writer of essays and we said that is not you so within two
23 Many men feel a very great sense of despair and discomfort upon entering what used to be their home with their wife , but what is now a house that seems to demand a lot of time-consuming work .
24 But to Enoch it meant a very great deal . ’
25 Possessions must mean a very great deal to you if you can bear a grudge so long . "
26 You are taking a very great risk . ’
27 ‘ We all had a very great respect for him .
28 Therefore er I , I do feel that there 's a the Government have a very great difficulty over this matter , I 'm a keen and sympathetic supporter of the Government as all My Lords know , but on this occasion I do think that we would be entitled to ask them to think a again and to do so on this matter .
29 Coun Legg said : ‘ This has caused a great deal of distress , especially to the staff at the school who have a very great commitment to their work and their pupils .
30 We have had our ups and downs , but I have a very great regard for the organization and great affection for the head of the Accident Investigation and prevention Section , Olof Fritsch , who , notwithstanding all the times I twisted his tail , remains for me one of the great professionals totally devoted to improving safety in the air , and a true friend .
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