Example sentences of "[verb] and be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Other factors — such as de Gaulle 's deep-rooted suspicion of British designs on the French empire and the personal animosities which developed between him and various British and American officials — aggravated tensions but their root cause was a complete disagreement as to whether Free France should act and be treated as an independent sovereign power .
2 We can only know an object by the sensations which it causes and are detected by our five senses .
3 Military budgets and procurement were not publicly disclosed and were deducted from national revenues before allocations were made to departments subject to popular discussion .
4 For style conscious parents , Mamas & Papas provide an exclusive range of stylish high quality nursery products in a choice of fashionable fabrics , which have been designed and are featured in our 60 page colour brochure which contains the full range of Mamas & Papas prams , pushchairs , cots , highchairs , changing stations , playpens , travel seats , baby walkers and playmats etc .
5 The storage buildings are specially designed and are equipped with sophisticated temperature and humidity controls to keep the potatoes in perfect condition .
6 Lambert blinked to rid his eyes of a sudden haziness and then the German was on him , with a curiously muffled stutter that swelled and was lost in the bellow of their engines as they passed in a blaze of flashing muzzles and white-hot exhausts and shinning propeller blades .
7 These tools and any others that you may need and are permitted for specialist work should also be on the desk at the time of your practice " examination " .
8 Or will the people discover the lie and then be less ready to accept and be guided by his rulings than if he had been more open from the start ?
9 Word Up Women 's Cafe offers a space for new and established woman writers to come and be heard in Hackney — so come and listen , the first Fri of every month — for details phone 071 254 9632
10 We advertised by personal contacts and through the media — the local TV , radio , and press — for potential bilinguals to come and be tested with a view to training them as interpreters .
11 The incomes of these basic organizations thereafter belonged to the area in which they were located and were lost to the parent organization .
12 It can take 3 days to disappear and is followed by complete peeling .
13 Abbott became one of the founding members of the Open Door Council in 1926 , dedicated to securing that ‘ a woman shall be free to work and be protected as a worker on the same terms as a man … and to secure for a woman , irrespective of marriage or childbirth , the right at all times to decide whether or not she shall engage in paid work ’ .
14 There is evidence in wheat leaves for a hydraulic signal that propagates at a speed of at least 100mms -1 from the site of wounding and is associated with electrical events recorded at the plant surface .
15 The Teleputer is a full card , taking out an eight-bit expansion slot , is easily installed and is supplied with comms software and at an additional cost fax software .
16 All first year pupils in the schools were included and were assessed on three occasions ( 4538 before teaching ( 1988 ) , 3930 immediately after teaching ( 1989 ) , 3786 at one year follow up ( 1990 ) ) .
17 This can be measured in terms of its domestic and transnational political organization , direct and indirect TNC interference in host country politics and the extent to which these constrain and are constrained by the domestic and/or transnational labour movement .
18 SWITZERLAND 's Pirmin Zurbriggen yesterday won his first race in over a year in the World Cup Alpine super-giant slalom down Sestriere 's fast and slippery Kandahar course , while the overall champion , Marc Girardelli , crashed and was taken to hospital .
19 It was a pleasure to meet and be enrolled by you at the W/W Show and I 'm glad that the Fellowship is going to be just that .
20 On this visit , Mr Weir , the mate , is said to have become entangled in the buoy rope when the anchor was being dropped and was dragged to the bottom and drowned .
21 She could not hear anything , of course , as Rose 's voice dropped and was interrupted by the rumble of Dagmar 's , but she heard enough .
22 That association is particularly concerned about a measure that is proceeding through the other place and the question whether it will be dropped and be replaced by the provisions relating to canals in this legislation .
23 But er there was a lot there was a lot of girls and th I do n't know what had what had happened but I mean , that was the worst thing , he 'd went up in the lift and there was quite there was some other the rest of the people in the lift er was trapped and was burned to death you know , tragic end .
24 From humble beginnings sales have quadrupled and are set for further high growth in the next three years .
25 West New Jersey , the southern part of the colony , which was owned by the Berkeleys , did not flourish and was sold to two Quaker families .
26 ‘ The picture dissolved and was replaced by an image of the three climbers : almost at the end of the knotted rope , a slim man in black combat clothes , hanging with the agility of a spider , keen eyes scanning the gulley for cover ; above him a young woman , similarly dressed , eyes bright with excitement , talking and gesticulating ; and above her a giant of a man , his body barely covered by his torn clothing , waving a bizarre weapon , grinning like a wolf .
27 The original chapel collapsed and was rebuilt in 1863–4 .
28 Nathan asks how many reindeer the Lapp has and is rewarded with a piercing look .
29 He stared at her ; the murderous look had vanished and was replaced by one of sheer puzzlement .
30 At that time the party seemed to have many of the characteristics of a party which did not expect to win elections : it had changed its leadership only a few weeks before the general election was called , Lansbury having resigned and been replaced by Attlee on a temporary basis ; and it suffered from a good deal of internal factionalism , and found its major policy demand — collective security through the League of Nations — ‘ scooped ’ by Stanley Baldwin , the Prime Minister .
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