Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now this man had approached and addressed him in English and in an upper-class accent too .
2 I ca n't wait around to try and engage him in further conversation because my bowels suddenly decide they want to wake up too , and I have to make a dash for the nearest bar and the toilets .
3 Still an urge to hit out compelled her , a need to try and hurt him in retaliation for the pain he dealt her with his unhidden contempt .
4 One important Communist still eluding capture was Jose Weibel , Secretary General of the Young Communists , and the Joint Command decided to try and locate him through his brother Ricardo , a bus driver .
5 And in what might have proved a momentous extension of this diplomatic sequence , it was at Hendaye that in 1940 , after the fall of France , Hitler met Franco , to try and talk him into joining in the war on the German side against the British .
6 This was to be her special torture then : just when she had discovered what a selfish , callous , calculating person Mark was , everybody was going to try and sell him to her .
7 I felt I ought to try and phone him at home to tip him off — if I got the chance .
8 Buchanan 's Triangles clubmate Mark Tosh pushed hard to try and catch him on the five-mile run but the Derry man won in a time of 1.28.52 .
9 And here he held Bible meetings that convinced Vicky , and over thirty others , to come and join him in Waco .
10 The head had asked the educational psychologist to come and assess him with a view to producing a formal Statement of Special Educational Needs .
11 He would send his plane , or travel tickets , for her to come and see him at shows , for parties and at Thanksgiving celebrations .
12 Before his last throw of the dice he had been hanging on at Etten in hopes of a visit from Mauve , who had half promised to come and initiate him into ‘ the mysteries of the palette ’ .
13 In John 6:15 , there is a curious statement , that ‘ Jesus , who could see why they were about to come and take him by force and make him king , escaped back to the hills by himself . ’
14 Kalchu was ashamed of his drunkenness and Chola grumbled and rebuked him for it .
15 But it was Wang Sau-leyan who rose and helped him from his chair ; who walked with him , his arm about his shoulder , to the steps .
16 The word ‘ mithra ’ was also used to describe a friend , and this god was thought to be a true friend of man , protecting and warming him in life and death .
17 According to Antony the Devil came to tempt and torture him in a variety of fantastical forms from lascivious women to wild beasts .
18 Burton was hurling himself on the course most likely to tempt and test him to the limit .
19 His face moved continually , different expressions rippling and flowing across it as if he really were a sea creature , moved and swayed by the changing tide and currents in water , in continual motion — flickering from smile to grimace to pain to peace , eyelids half rising to reveal a sea-shell sightless crescent of pearly blue-white , lips parting then closing , breaths shuddering and shivering him as if air were too strong and coarse a medium .
20 She stopped and halted him with a hand on his arm .
21 His players respected and loved him as a result .
22 Emily ? … laughing and teasing him about deserving a white feather … ?
23 A sudden flurry of shots rang out from the direction of the cainca , confirming the older man 's prediction , and without further argument the two boys turned and followed him into the jungle at a run .
24 Instead , he bewildered and tormented him with his tactical positioning , then launched attacks that showed a desire to win the Tour for a record sixth time .
25 Having seen and heard him at Buxton , I find it hard to believe claims that he did not solo the South Face of Lhotse : claims , in any case , which Cesen has countered with an explanation .
26 Easy-E says representatives of Sony intimidated and threatened him during a meeting in 1991 at the SOLAR Records office in Hollywood .
27 For what a horse does under compulsion … he does without understanding , and with no more grace than a dancer would display if a person should whip and spur him during his performance …
28 A fifteen-year-old in grey flannel wandering around London in school holidays with an adolescent 's apocalyptic vision , praying that he would lose his virginity before the bombs came and blasted him to oblivion .
29 Seb was out harrowing one of his own fields when the young stable-hand came and told him of Christian 's arrival .
30 She came and kissed him in her brisk way .
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