Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 So , for example , it would be better to stick your head out of the window and take in six large gulps of air instead of smoking a cigarette than to cut out smoking and put nothing in its place .
32 Everyone wants to be able to design and create something with an individual touch , whether it 's an outfit to wear or soft furnishings for the home .
33 The Princess stirred and murmured something in her sleep .
34 She was a wreck and had planned to go and do something about it once dinner had been prepared , but now that would have to go by the board — there would be no time — and , besides , she could hardly appear to Luke 's business partner and his wife in one of Luke 's towelling robes , could she ?
35 No one asked that question , they simply focused upon er the , the communist insurrection in the south and the American , American commitment to the global containment of communism meant that they had to go and do something about it and domestic political pressures were there too er President Kennedy came out of the Cuban missiles crisis a hero because his people mistakenly believed that he 'd won a foreign policy success and that he 'd acted in a restrained and statesmanlike manor .
36 And it 's no good moaning , so has to go and do something about it ,
37 I want you to go and do something for me . ’
38 to go and do something in Dundee , so they 've advertised his job
39 Do you want me to go and get something from cos it 's cheaper .
40 She 'd just laugh and say summat like that .
41 The Unwins beamed and patted everyone within reach including the horse , and Mr Unwin in his great antipodean accent could be heard calling his jockey ‘ son ’ , even though the rider looked older by far than the owner .
42 Wayne , Ricky 's favourite pony , had such a low threshold of boredom that he had a special manger hooked over the half-door so he could eat and miss nothing in the yard at the same time .
43 These people may need to get married — trapped — to prove that they can get out , that divorce is not impossible , to discover that they can influence and do something about the situation .
44 After working in his father 's wire rope works at Halifax , Holroyd Smith struck off on his own , no doubt evoking a sigh of parental relief as he could not stop inventing and improving everything around him , from furnaces to ladies ' corsets .
45 Perhaps sit and do nothing at all — or perhaps be revolting ?
46 Freud 's example of the fort-da game in which the child pretends to lose and find something as an enactment within a domain it can control , of its sense of separation from , and the return of the mother , provides a classic case of the problems of how to interpret vicarious activity .
47 Henry VIII himself , having heard and seen something of Renaissance art in France , tried to attract French and Italian craftsmen to England .
48 He turned and shouted something to the mercer below .
49 I mean , I have done a lot about it , and I 'm the only one that has , as I say , got my mouth going and done something about it .
50 The people in Nepal are Hindus or Buddhists and they believe that they can get to God by going and praying lots of times , chanting , putting special dye on their cheeks , on their erm foreheads and making sacrifices .
51 God sees and knows everything at all times , he allows nothing to happen he does not wish to , even , strangely , the Fall of Man .
52 It was one of those events which at a crucial stage in one 's development arrive to challenge and stretch one to the limit of one 's ability and beyond , so that thereafter one has new standards by which to judge oneself .
53 It has to do rather with the infinite , universal wholeness of all things , of that all-embracing totality which may or may not be labelled ‘ God ’ , but which includes and enfolds everything within itself .
54 Once you decide to specialize and become something of an expert in any field , you can study through public libraries , further education classes ( providing that there is adequate provision for speechreaders ) , correspondence courses , exhibitions and so on .
55 Glossily produced and containing lots of advertisements from local businesses ( eighteen of the thirty pages were advertising ) , Looking Right delighted in flippancy .
56 All day , they helped Mother to unpack and arrange everything in the rooms .
57 Contract ‘ And as a chauffeur to top management , you do as you are told and say nothing to anybody .
58 ‘ I should have paid it , but I forgot and heard nothing for ages .
59 It may be an idea to check out any varieties that you fancy in a reputable book — some are hard to grow and need lots of light ; other plants are still being sold that are really bog plants and should not be grown submerged .
60 He nodded and muttered something over his shoulder to Fortescue , then to Cranston .
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