Example sentences of "[verb] and [verb] [pron] are " in BNC.

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1 Beside the total rewards such men expected and obtained they are minute .
2 If an asylum claim that is not justified under the United Nations convention is to be the means of obtaining settlement in the United Kingdom , we need at the very least to explain , particularly to the minority communities legitimately settled here , why their friends and relatives who would like to come and join them are not allowed to do so because they told the truth when they made their applications , whereas others who are prepared to make an unfounded asylum claim can remain indefinitely .
3 Go back to your priestly intolerance , back to your blasphemous masses , back to your beads , holy water , holy smoke and stinks and remember we are the sons of the martyrs whom your church butchered and we know your church to be the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth .
4 But the squatters are adamant they will not be moved and argue they are testing the good faith of whites who profess to want change .
5 Industrial and commercial groups are also paying dearly for their rash incursion into property , futures and other financial instruments during the late 1980s : the banks that advised and funded them are faring even worse .
6 Arguing that a dominant group may be so well entrenched that it is unaware of any potential challenge , Lukes points to the importance of socially and culturally patterned behaviour , to ways of acting and thinking which are taken for granted and which are rarely exposed to serious challenge .
7 There are minor infelicities and inconsistencies in typography which are irritating , and although purporting to be revised and updated there are imbalances and inaccuracies in the styles accorded to various officers of state .
8 The microfilm copies currently available for loan from BLDSC are used extensively , but the costs of producing and storing them are increasing , and the British Library is investigating the possibility of selling copies , in a manner similar to Dissertation Abstracts ( Ince ) .
9 The powerboat world has been left high and dry this summer by a big red boat named Flippin Shytalk … its call sign is P69 … the only number that reads the same upside down … but the Oxfordshire crew that run and race her are on the very top of their sport at the moment …
10 Now that they gone independent , we 've got to again look and see what are our roles there .
11 ‘ However well acted and directed they are , Americans find they hold back on the emotions .
12 At the age when such a split is formed , such is the yearning for the food , comfort , holding and love which are withheld that the good becomes idealized .
13 No I 'm not homeless I 'm gon na try and help you are
14 The problems they encounter in creating and interpreting them are as sophisticated and as complex as they come .
15 All of these aspects of knowledge about language interlock — just as speaking , listening , reading and writing themselves are interrelated — and it is not possible or desirable to keep them apart .
16 It is this that bears on my father 's second question-how to contain the uncontainable : producing these extremes and then controlling and containing them are the problems .
17 Surviving Japanese aircraft are few and far between , recent trends to collect and exhibit them are to be encouraged , they represent a fount of experience and knowledge that has only slightly been dipped into .
18 Strange that this bird sits there and sings While we must only sit and plan Who are so much the higher things — The murder of our fellow man …
19 The general picture which emerges is one in which , whilst a considerable amount of assistance does pass between relatives , the procedures for asking for , offering and accepting it are quite tricky to handle in practice .
20 By the next Christmas , the message was blunter still : ‘ If you drink and drive you are a menace to society . ’
21 It would exclude , on the other hand , those crucial processes of working and reworking which are the specifics , as distinct from the abstractable elements , of important art .
22 Attempts to rescue and re-evaluate them are apt to be less rewarding than making a fresh start .
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