Example sentences of "[verb] next to [indef pn] about " in BNC.

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1 Responding to criticism that the commission had said next to nothing about the role of university scientists , , president emeritus of the Rockefeller University in New York and co-chairman of the commission , said that any such comments would have been dismissed as special pleading .
2 Staff are underpaid and know next to nothing about wine .
3 I know next to nothing about you also .
4 But western audiences know next to nothing about the martial arts .
5 I know next to nothing about wild flowers , and what little I do know I learnt largely when I was a pink-kneed " Boy Sprout " in Manchester and in order to pass some badge or other I had to be able to burn some dough on a stick over an open fire , make smoky porridge and recognise six kinds of trees and flowers from their leaves and blossoms .
6 I know next to nothing about cars , never having learned to drive one .
7 ‘ You know next to nothing about me and you do n't know my father at all , yet you have the nerve to say such things !
8 Charles had known next to nothing about farming .
9 The press officer , Barbara Bloomfield , complained at a meeting of the Greens ' council in January 1990 that if she wanted to step out of the office she had to get a volunteer to take her place , possibly an overseas student who knew next to nothing about the press or the party .
10 He knew next to nothing about chemicals and crops , but established Israel 's first aerial crop-spraying service — and , despite his ignorance of cattle , its first beef cattle ranch .
11 After all , we thought ( quite irrationally and knowing next to nothing about the Germans ) , even if they met two young girls cycling in the countryside , they would never suspect us of taking food and clothing to the English .
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