Example sentences of "[verb] place [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its dense growth provides nesting places for a range of bird life as well as warm cover in winter or roosting small birds .
2 At the end of the twentieth century , at least some colour illustrations are likely to find places in a monograph .
3 I interviewed Place in a midget submarine in Portsmouth dockyard similar to the one in which he and two other men had travelled up the long fjord in northern Norway at the head of which Tirpitz lay , cut their way through the nets surrounding her and laid charges beneath her hull which , when they exploded an hour later and Place was a prisoner-of-war on board her , put the ship out of action for six months .
4 Hence it is the closed national state which afforded to capitalism its chance for development — and as long as the national state does not give place to a world empire capitalism also will endure .
5 The preceding paragraph relates exclusively to applicants who are both liable to pay overseas fees and who are seeking places on a degree course .
6 Parents who requested places on a Kindertransport were warned that orthodox foster homes were not on offer and were asked if they objected to Christian hospitality .
7 The limestone scars seen on the left during the ascent here give place to a moorland shelf inclined at an easier gradient which , on investigation , is found to be perforated by a line of potholes .
8 My sketchbook sequences record places along a walk or events in time at a single site .
9 There is great public concern about design and quality , especially when development takes place on a greenfield site .
10 The above four possibilities are listed below ( assuming the calculation takes place on a coupon payment date so that Al = 0 ) :
11 This takes place on a planet 's surface using solid 3D graphics .
12 The ‘ video conference ’ then takes place for a fee of between £80 and £120 for half an hour .
13 It shows that pre-modern power takes place via a set of unmediated exchanges between subjects , while modern power stems from a relationship between fields ( whose symbolic economy imparts to them their structure ) and the ‘ consumer ’ who is subject to this power .
14 The reason for this is that sperm production takes place at a temperature a couple of degrees lower than body temperature , so the process has to take place outside the body to function properly .
15 If the relocation takes place at a time when it is important for a child to complete a course of education , e.g. GCE examinations , the company will pay reasonable board and lodging costs for the child up to a maximum of £200 per month for the remainder of that school term or until all examinations are complete within that academic year .
16 In the context of inflationary scenarios this formation takes place at a time ( refs 14 , 15 ) .
17 This takes place at a time prearranged to be mutually convenient .
18 Much of Spitzer 's work , however , does not conform to this psychological view ; the ‘ to-and-fro voyage ’ takes place between a text 's linguistic forms and an interpretation of its content taken in itself , not in relation to its author .
19 It may be committed where sexual intercourse takes place between a man and his daughter , sister , or half-sister , mother or grand-daughter irrespective of whether the relationship is traced through ‘ lawful wedlock , ’ and irrespective of whether consent is present .
20 According to the present legal definition , rape is sexual intercourse which takes place without a woman 's consent .
21 if relocation takes place during a school term , the company will reimburse day school fees for the remainder of that term or for such periods as required by the school for pupil removal .
22 When investment takes place during a year , new capital is created and it is correct that this should be included in our calculation of the value of total output for that year .
23 Pregnancy sometimes occurs when intercourse takes place during a period .
24 Once a year , usually in September , the BKA holds its convention and A.G.M. which takes place over a weekend .
25 The result is that melting takes place over a range of temperatures , and this range is a useful indication of sample crystallinity .
26 Centrepiece of the design is the tall , rectangular flat diaphragm , which , produces all the treble information , and the midband area above 200Hz ( in fact there 's a slow handover which takes place over a matter of octaves ) .
27 As weak springs can only stored a fraction of the potential energy that a strong spring can hold , the remainder is lost as heat and if the change from a strong to a weak spring takes place over a period of time , equivalent to the observation time , then the energy loss is detected as mechanical damping .
28 Instead , a number of small changes in status and recognitions of the progress towards adult status takes place over a number of years .
29 On average , a body is injected with approximately 12–16 pints of the one and a half per cent or two per cent solution and this takes place over a time period of approximately one to two hours .
30 Transformation of individual structures , as he puts it , does take place directly through participation in the communal life of the sangha , and transformation of social structures takes place as a result of the interaction of the life of the sangha with the life of the community surrounding it .
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