Example sentences of "[verb] place [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In a typical Strombolian eruption , basaltic lava is again involved , but it is not quite as fluid as in the Hawaiian eruptions and gas escape takes place spasmodically in minor explosions every few minutes or so , sometimes rhythmically and predictably , sometimes irregularly .
2 Before cementation , compaction takes place dominantly by mechanical processes , with slippage between individual grains , grain reorientation and subsequent fracture of some grains .
3 The change takes place only with cold water , a point worth remembering when preparing English mustard from powder .
4 Both writing and reading are enormously complex skills , involving the coordination of sensory and cognitive processes ; and although psycholinguistic research supports the structuring of these activities in terms of multilevel coding , the coding takes place simultaneously on different levels , and many other factors , such as memory span and general extralinguistic knowledge , play a part .
5 Saving takes place out of net income , i.e. income that has already been taxed .
6 Since saving takes place out of real disposable ( net ) income , to tax the returns on savings is to impose a further tax on net income .
7 There is a richness of musical resources — many previously unavailable to a mass audience — and an excitement about new technological possibilities , new social relations and new kinds of musical behaviour which account for the fact that cultural struggle could take place here within musical production itself .
8 The funerals of Mr McKenna and Mr Kelly will take place tomorrow after separate Requiem Masses at St Patrick 's Church , Glen .
9 Bransford and McCarrell ( 1975 ) show clearly that without inference comprehension may not take place effectively in textual material , and that particular contexts produce different structures of organisation and comprehension .
10 Further , if splash and spray are effective agents of marine erosion , erosion may take place considerably above high tide level , the exact amount depending on the size of the waves and the way in which they break against the bottom of the cliff .
11 ‘ The Syrian forces could , if they wanted , speedily resolve the problem of Gen Aoun in Lebanon through military means , but the Syrian leadership is fully convinced there will be no need to resort to this as Gen Aoun 's removal is a matter of time and will take place quickly through political means . ’ .
12 This is because astronomical observations using the hardware can take place only at certain times of the year .
13 The Government have done this despite repeated warnings from the Energy Select Committee and from elsewhere that such moves should take place only after full consultation and agreement with the unions .
14 As it is an area of outstanding natural beauty , much of the diversification can take place only in limited areas — close to the towns and bigger villages .
15 The new pattern of variety was an adornment to what Michael Chanan has called ‘ the night-time city ’ , and the whole beauty of the format was that everything took place not in sordid cellars or popular drinking places but in buildings that had much of the appearance and many of the conventions of legitimate theatre .
16 Population : 3,304,000 ( 1.1% of USSR total ) ; Registered electorate : 4,923 ( registration took place only among non-Armenian workers rebuilding Spitak , site of the 1988 earthquake ) ; Turnout : 72.1% ; Yes : 71.6% ; No : 27.2% .
17 ‘ A discussion took place thereafter betwixt certain interested parties , ’ Tyrell told him .
18 The following day , March 8 , actions took place all over Occupied Palestine .
19 Published works of the 1950s , 1960s and 1970s all tended to follow this approach , and while there were occasional signs of shifts in direction , these were mere rustlings in the undergrowth compared with the revolution taking place elsewhere in British archaeology .
20 It sees the practical development of its work as taking place mainly at local level , and to this end encourages the formation of autonomous local groups which can respond to needs in their own area .
21 Most see it as essential , preferably happening in the company of the therapist but sometimes taking place in between therapeutic sessions .
22 This reflects the range of subjects found in other community education projects and confirms the view that community education can become , in many instances , more of the same , although taking place informally in local neighbourhood centres .
23 The weather has been turned on its head in recent years , with the transition from autumn to winter taking place anywhere from early October to late November .
24 The change must have taken place long before Ediacaran times for when those rocks were deposited the fundamental invertebrate divisions were already established .
25 But the French crowd showed that any American cultural invasion of their nation had taken place long before Euro Disneyland was even a dream in the imagination of its creators .
26 The rapid expansion of fish farming , which has taken place predominately in Scottish waters , presents serious risks for the marine environment unless it is brought under strict control by the government , according to a report from the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) .
27 Investigations take place both in natural settings , such as in schools or with families , as well as in the psychological laboratory .
28 Such a notion — anathema in the West — is commonplace in Japan , where most art sales take place not in independent galleries or auction rooms , but in omnibus retail outlets like Takashimiya , Mitsukoshi and Seibu .
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