Example sentences of "[verb] over [art] long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 petals strongly and sweetly perfumed , retained over a long period when dried , used in perfumery , potpourris , for perfuming writing paper .
2 A die could survive over a long period of time .
3 He moved over a long time ago from playing an SG Standard and an ES-345 when he found his beloved fixed-bridge ‘ 64 Stratocaster , which is standard apart from an extra treble-boost toggle switch .
4 The broad branching heads of large , ragged yellow daisies appear over a long period during summer ; a large patch is a magnificent spectacle .
5 This is an acquired skill which develops over a long period .
6 However , this does not persist over a long time scale and is often not to be observed at all .
7 The next section between Culver Street and Gigant Street and Guilder Lane and Pennyfarthing Street could have seen little change over a long period .
8 Improv provides business an professional users with a unique set of capabilities for dynamic viewing and analysis , and , for building spreadsheets that can be easily reused , modified and shared over a long lifecycle .
9 There are two broad categories : ( 1 ) where the object is to generate more work by some system of cross-referral in particular fields , though such arrangements are difficult to sustain over a long period if member firms wish to retain their independence and separate profitability .
10 But questions remain over the long term benefits of the orphans ' visits .
11 But questions remain over the long term benefits of the orphans ' visits .
12 One is that the abuse is part of the way two people communicate over a long period of time .
13 ( Martial arts are a way of life — skills learnt and practised over a long period , used to tune the mind and body to a state of superb readiness .
14 And because one would share with neighbours , it was rather spaced out so that people could benefit over a longer period .
15 The rationale , however , for that is clear : while insurers are willing to concede that accidents will happen , events developing over a long period of time because of a lack of concern for the potential hazards should not be allowed to .
16 A bank of phones , paperwork cascading over a long table , two computers programmed to look for patterns , similarities , oddities .
17 Sometimes this happens over a long period , as a person finds himself constrained to attend a Christian place of worship , or drawn to read the Christian scriptures .
18 Unlike groups in laboratory studies , the work group is not created and then disbanded permanently ; it often survives over a long period of time .
19 The church began in late Saxon times and developed over a long period , finally being made redundant in the 1960s , when part of it collapsed .
20 Following the primary attack , there may be no further episodes , or the disease may recur over a long period , in some cases several years .
21 This perspective is inadequate for an understanding of the colonial legal system because the post-independence practices evolved over a long period of time .
22 The CEGB would perhaps be more fully convincing in its argument on fuel diversity if it could show that it had more real commitment to the development and use over a long time scale of renewable-energy technologies .
23 Stock , for example , is issued for 25 years at the most , for the obvious reason that the market will charge a high premium for lending over a longer period than that .
24 The Government has advised that women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not eat liver , as very large doses of vitamin A taken over a long period may be associated with foetal abnormalities .
25 Unfortunately it may conceivably cause liver disease if taken over a long period , and this is to be tested by administering it to pigs .
26 A teacher is needed to take over a long standing recreational class at in September .
27 The older men in particular portray inspection as an art whose techniques , absorbed over a long period , become almost intuitive .
28 It is now widely realised that a comprehensive education for a mentally handicapped child should continue over a longer time than the normal educational period of 5–16 years .
29 One suggestion has been that the energy output of the Sun itself fluctuates over a long period .
30 It is no longer adequate just to produce a plan of a church : all walls and elevations need to be examined closely , since most churches are built , developed and extended over a long period .
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