Example sentences of "[verb] in just [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The report warned : " Unless there is reduction of population growth together with a resolution of the landless peasant phenomenon , it is difficult to see that much forest will remain in just a few decades time " .
2 Although it is impossible to sum up 170 years ’ service in just a few sentences , I would like to congratulate five members of Wimpey Plant and Transport staff who , between them , have given this many years of loyal service to the company .
3 Yet , when frog surface layer is placed on the newt near the mouth region , suckers develop in just the right place even though , in evolution , newts and frogs separated millions of years ago .
4 The bedding which I observed at first hand in 1954 in the peasant community of Pul Eliya was nothing like as grand as the stereotype ; but , apart from some minor differences , it had all the same elements and for the most part they occurred in just the same sequence .
5 Thousands of caribou perished in just the first year of this dam .
6 However secure your income today , however comfortable your family life , this could all be placed in jeopardy by something that happens in just a few seconds … a serious accident .
7 When she is doing anything with children , she always squats down to their level , touches them and listens to them , and the response she gets in just a few moments with each is quite extraordinary .
8 She had the same colour hair , all yellow and curly , and she walked in just the same way , sort of little bouncing steps .
9 They showed that such models could start with a big bang , even though the galaxies were no longer always moving directly away from each other , but they claimed that this was still only possible in certain exceptional models in which the galaxies were all moving in just the right way .
10 Incidentally , this cream cheese mixture , spread on little fingers of bread and cooked in just the same way , is extremely good for a cocktail party as a change from those eternal sausages .
11 ( This applies in just the same way if records are being randomized to multiple records buckets .
12 The police are also urging people who keep money at home to have it banked for safety — they want to make sure that people like phylis do n't lose cash that took years to save in just a few short seconds .
13 Unseasoned and untreated timber , very frequently used in the ‘ sixties and early ‘ seventies in windows and doors , will rot in just a few years .
14 Bringing people together , tirelessly fixing up dates and appointments , putting in just the right word at the crucial moment , helping to forge new partnerships , Milton conducted both his life and his business with an extraordinary degree of caring .
15 This all calls for a fundamental re-think of your playing style , but one that is not impossible to master in just a short while .
16 Any pain you can conceive of as hurting in just the same way as yours hurt must be conceived of as hurting you .
17 And they stick in just the right places to cause a new layer to be added to the crystal just like the layer below .
18 Even though no two people speak or write in just the same way , groups of people share sufficient language characteristics ( of accent , vocabulary and grammar ) to bind them together and to distinguish them from other groups .
19 Take in just a few of Northern Spain 's options , and discover the Spain that the Spanish truly love .
20 The sting of a nettle works in just the same way as a hypodermic syringe .
21 In Japan , a few herons use bait in just the same way as human anglers .
22 I would say in just a general accent the way we talk you know .
23 And unfortunately the bills comes in just the same as you 've got to stick it .
24 How can I describe that experience in just a few words ?
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