Example sentences of "[verb] seem to be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For a long time the only way in which a truly selfless behaviour could arise seemed to be through a differential advantage accruing to groups of individuals that showed sacrifice in relation to their companions to a degree greater than in other groups .
2 Howard is relieved and pleased that his younger self could pass such a test ; to have been in his own company for fifteen minutes or more , and to have been so opaque and convincing that he 'd seemed to be like anyone else .
3 Hard-line street life does n't sit easily with the girls ' culture , and for all their stylish revolt , in the end the only way to belong seems to be to be part of the community of women .
4 The site of neuropeptide Y's action on feeding seems to be in the hypothalamus , and it is likely that the cephalic phase response is also integrated at this level .
5 And what he was saying seemed to be in direct conflict to the hurtful reasons for their marriage he had given her on the drawbridge yesterday .
6 A market slow to collapse seems to be on the rebound
7 I just happened to know that Geoffrey was keen to meet you again , and you do seem to be at a loose end at the moment .
8 Placards do seem to be in vogue at the moment : there is a pastiche of Bob Dylan 's ‘ Subterranean Homesick Blues ’ lyrics-on-cards promo film in Bob Roberts and super photographer Steven Meisel used slogans on white cards in a recent celebrity shoot for Italian Vogue .
9 Erm , but I did n't prime the previous speaker who spoke so nicely er , about N C V O even though we do seem to be in a mutual admiration society .
10 Even though information was not collected from women who were 45 years old or over , the pregnancy wastage in the older childbearing ages for which data were obtained seems to be of devastating proportions .
11 When she was two years old she had seemed to be of a cheerful disposition and laughed obediently when he made a witch out of his knotted handkerchief or cast a swan 's shadow against her bedroom wall with his fingers .
12 At the time the information had seemed to be of no consequence .
13 At times , and briefly , they had seemed to be in sympathy , then without rhyme or reason his mood would change , the warmth , the closeness would vanish and he 'd be deliberately cruel and wounding …
14 Well , there 's less and less work and the work that does seem to be about is that competitively priced that
15 It does seem to be on the whole a very encouraging report .
16 I would just like to answer one or two things , erm , erm , he , he , one of the things he 's saying er , is that erm , oh dear I 've forgotten what I was going to say now , and I have n't got it written down , got it written down , can I go on to something else erm , the Home Secretary does seem to be in some disarray over the proposed bill .
17 Though it does seem to be in their mind to extend that .
18 ‘ In a glorious letter from Mother , ’ Leslie wrote , ‘ she waxes indignant about the formalities we must satisfy , and says that getting married seems to be in the category of committing a crime . ’
19 To prevent failures of this order , even if success was not absolutely assured , might , other things being equal , have seemed to be within the scope of US policy at the time .
20 However , Article 16 allows ‘ the States Parties ’ ( and the use of the plural is puzzling , as the action contemplated seems to be by individual states , and will be effective in this context only insofar as the declarant state is the state of destination ) to declare that the convention 's provisions cover the execution of letters rogatory in criminal , labour , and ‘ contentious-administrative ’ cases .
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