Example sentences of "[verb] where i can get " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And , ’ he continued , ‘ you do n't know where I can get some good stout boots , small-like , and I do n't want no commentary , jest want to know . ’
2 PS Do you know where I can get a copy of Rick Dangerous 2 on tape ?
3 and there 's a two and half percent short fall that we 've got ta fight so I 'm gon na se see where I can get it from .
4 Know where I can get one ? ’
5 I was wondering if you have , or know where I can get , an instruction book .
6 If you know where I can get a new double bed machine for 45 guineas today perhaps you would let me know ( I 'll have two ! ) .
7 Then changing the subject completely from milk and children to the necessity for a clean yard , he said , ‘ I know where I can get some broken slabs .
8 I 'm for Shrewsbury , I know where I can get a horse there ’
9 I changed the 24V system to 12V and wonder where I can get a 12V dial with water temperature , oil temperature and fuel level on it .
10 I try and see where I can get out , but it 's pretty dark where I am — I ca n't hardly see anything except these trolley things .
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