Example sentences of "[verb] need [prep] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The children taught by ‘ Natural Aurilism ’ need to be trained from a very early age and seem to need to be of above average intelligence , have involved parents and trained staff .
2 Magnus Magnusson has a reputation for being a tenacious man ( ‘ I 've started so I 'll finish ’ ) and he 's going to need to be as chair of the new Scottish Natural Heritage Agency .
3 Maybe Vic is right after all , we do need to be at our best .
4 So I think it it is an issue that perhaps has n't been addressed in our discussions erm hitherto and and and seems to me from from past evidence to sugg to be an issue that does need to be to be looked at .
5 But he , or she , does need to be within striking distance of yourself , especially when you have set out on the tricky waters of the novel .
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