Example sentences of "[verb] more [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 But they want more plastic to be recycled .
2 The explanation of these variations is that , in the Siamese cat , a lower skin temperature causes more pigmentation to be laid down in the growing hairs .
3 So although the wet climate in the west of Britain causes more magnesium to be washed from the soil than in Germany , this amount is far less than that added to the soil each year from rainfall .
4 They are more plausible when taken as responses to a question about dependent conditionals which in fact has more claim to be regarded as the principal one .
5 Travel agent Peter Marsh , 46 , of Colchester , Essex , said : ‘ Both should have made more effort to be together and to make the marriage work .
6 A shelf allows more food to be cooked at the same time , though the cooking times will be longer .
7 Everyone knows that white clothing is better in the hot sun than black , because the black allows more heat to be absorbed .
8 Health visitor , Fiona , says more need to be aware of the support needed from the community for mothers .
9 Therefore , to re-echo Reiman : you stand more chance of being killed avoidably at work than in any other sphere of your life , including being at home !
10 Whether we are consumers or citizens , we stand more chance of being robbed by persons who roam corporate suites than we do by those who roam public streets .
11 In some police stations we 've identified criminals actually stand more chance of being cautioned than prosecuted .
12 As hedgerows become rarer , voles have fewer places to live , and as more roads are built crisscrossing the countryside , they stand more risk of being killed by passing cars .
13 The introduction of the lamp allowed more coal to be dug and more profits to be made .
14 The introduction of the lamp allowed more coal to be dug and more profits to be made .
15 In writing for others they will learn that writing for a public audience requires more care to be taken with the finished product than writing for oneself as an aid to memory .
16 It is usual to use 50x25mm ( 2x1in ) timber for battening the walls , but where insulation is to be installed between the battens , thicker timber can be used to enable more insulation to be inserted .
17 Does it make more sense to be beaten 62–7 or play tight competitive fixtures like Southland and NZ Universities as England ‘ B ’ did .
18 ‘ If you do n't make more effort to be civil , I may regret fishing you from the sea on your arrival .
19 Better performance for one hemifield could be due either to a longer duration of icon , thus allowing more information to be encoded before the icon fades , or to a faster encoding rate , allowing more information to be encoded before the arrival of the masking stimulus .
20 Better performance for one hemifield could be due either to a longer duration of icon , thus allowing more information to be encoded before the icon fades , or to a faster encoding rate , allowing more information to be encoded before the arrival of the masking stimulus .
21 Turbocharging is one way of pushing more air into an engine , thus allowing more fuel to be burnt and more power developed .
22 Third , effective operational planning of services for individuals would be fostered by the appointment of care managers who would have more flexibility to be innovative and would also work within a clear system of accountability to senior managers .
23 Again , an understanding of encoded texts — the way in which a sender selects and combines signs — is of great importance to the public relations practitioner : a press release written specially for the tabloid sector , for example , may have more chance of being published than a blanket release designed to interest the serious press as well .
24 In order to further speed and cheapen the process , inferior ingredients such as maize , rice , triticale , wheat flour and potato starch are used and helped on their way by chemicals that hasten fermentation , cut down on the yeast head in the vessels to allow more wort to be treated , and to give a lively fake head to the finished product .
25 They may have turned down job promotions to allow more time to be with their parents , or to avoid moving abroad or further from home .
26 If we carry on playing like that , we 've more chance of being relegated . ’
27 They also worked shorter hours , had more chance of being promoted to supervisory and managerial positions , and they were more likely to be given fringe benefits such as membership of a pension scheme .
28 Students of cancer had more reason to be interested in chromatin and its role in cell division , but chemical approaches to cancer were predominantly concerned with molecules which could be identified at the time , i.e. with molecular weights under 1000 .
29 Esther Ward had more reason to be ashamed than her vulnerable sister Elizabeth , for she had taken advantage of the forbidden love which had grown between Elizabeth and Richard , and she had never once opened her heart to the innocent girl-child who was born out of that love .
30 Jack was on call anyway and had more reason to be there than her , but if anything that was an added incentive to stay .
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