Example sentences of "[verb] still [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Despite problems of cutbacks and a diminution of services , more than two-thirds of nurses quizzed still see their future with the National Health Service .
2 The challenges are none the less great , and the organization has still to define its role .
3 President Mitterrand 's government ( which has still to finalise its IT plans after more than 18 months ' deliberation ) will , so it says , build on French strengths and remedy the weaknesses .
4 So anyone who kept their shares has had one hell of a ride and has still multiplied their investment 15 times , at least .
5 Donald has still got his microphone here and he wants to hear what everybody 's got to say .
6 Ireland , just back from Holland where they sustained five defeats in as many matches , field a full strength side against the Newry select , with coach Cees Koppelaar still shuffling his hand in a bid to find an established side for the Inter-Continental Cup in August .
7 Huy took this to mean that Merymose still needed his help .
8 But remembering still made her blush all over .
9 Hey — I 'd still got my page of dream-interpretation , had n't I ? folded up in my jeans ' pocket ?
10 Although worry still clouded his face , Prior William nodded immediate acceptance of this statement .
11 OPSSAT still receives its funding resources from the Department of Social Security with whom it negotiates a finance budget and a staff allocation .
12 Television may be much more popular than radio , but radio plays still deserve their place amongst the airwaves , and they are worth listening to .
13 FIVE years after the death of the man she loved passionately for 30 years , Marje Proops still carries his photograph in her handbag .
14 Herr Gottwald died still dogging his master 's heels
15 He emerged still clutching his telephone .
16 ‘ I 've still to make my mind up , ’ said Murray , who runs in a special 2,000 metres race in next Saturday 's TSB Invitation meeting in Birmingham before leaving the next day for three road races in California ; a 5K , 10K and 5K .
17 I can usually tell by when I when I 'm doing a fact-find reply obviously you find out whether their erm position is , is erm simply building society or national savings investment , or whether they 've gone into shares or unit trusts or investment trusts , and you can see at what level they 're operating and of course if they 've still got their money under the bed , then
18 the fact that we 've still got our supervision
19 Er well we do n't cos we 've still got our tea on it .
20 So you 've still got your other have ya that Alice had ?
21 You 've still got your mike on .
22 I 've still got your belt .
23 I do n't know , I suppose you 've still got your voucher , I get the voucher next Friday , so
24 You 've still got your suite have n't you ?
25 One of the kids said : ‘ Sir , you 've still got your earring in ’ . ’
26 I 've still got your bottle of champagne in there Susan .
27 Get , and I mean like I said to you today you 've still got your cough .
28 Well you 've still got your beer have n't you ?
29 I 've still got your discod , remember , ’ Sendei threatened .
30 Did you erm oh you 've still got your job description to do have n't you ?
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