Example sentences of "[verb] over [art] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Thus , whereas in the relational model information about the object customer would be scattered over a number of relations ( which could be : customer , holding customer name and address information ; sales ledger , holding details about the debts of the customer ; invoice , holding details of payments due ) , in the object-oriented model there would be one object , customer , reflecting all this information .
2 I do n't know whether this is optional … is ‘ being severed in two , bowels turned to ashes and these ashes scattered over the face of the earth . ’
3 The ground was soft and squelchy when she got out of the car , and she felt mud oozing over the top of her shoes .
4 ‘ Reversionary ’ bonus is added over the term of the policy and once added becomes part of the guaranteed benefits and can not be taken away by Clerical Medical provided the policy is maintained in full force until the end of the term .
5 ‘ Reversionary ’ bonus is added over the term of the policy and once added becomes part of the guaranteed benefits and can not be taken away by Clerical Medical provided the policy is maintained in full force until the end of the term .
6 As you explore your hand , allow your mind to wander over the significance of all its markings .
7 Allowed my eyes to wander over the whole of it , he wrote , and almost with satisfaction .
8 An image flitted into her mind : she saw herself plunge over the edge of that black pit and tumble helplessly through the dark .
9 On the other hand , it 's also like walking over the end of a plug-hole .
10 Yes , but pretends he 's not watching and he looks over the top of his paper .
11 She peered over the edge of the bedstead and saw a cliff of bedcover stretching endlessly to the stone floor .
12 Satisfied he was at least decently dressed , Seb raised his head cautiously and peered over the edge of the hollow .
13 Sitting up , she peered over the edge of the hollow alongside Seb .
14 Stanley peered over the top of his paper ; Jos stopped chewing ; and Mungo and Emily caught each other 's eye .
15 Frankie peered over the top of his comic , unable to resist the temptation to join in .
16 At first he peered over the top of his spectacles , eyeing his visitors severely .
17 Broadman , who could read after a fashion , peered over the top of the volume .
18 Martin peered over the top of his coffee .
19 He had forgotten to take off his spectacles and he peered over the top of them .
20 He peered over the rim of his spectacles at each of the room 's occupants in turn before continuing .
21 But Benedicta , her curiosity aroused , leaned on Athelstan 's arm and , standing on tiptoe , peered over the rim of the cart .
22 Defries peered over the end of the girder .
23 She peered over the bag of groceries clasped to her bosom and was almost consumed by envy .
24 Mr Popple peered over the side of the toilet , his right hand leaning on the toilet-seat .
25 Accordingly , the factors to be taken into account in deciding whether a government exists as the government of a state are : ( a ) whether it is the constitutional government of the state ; ( b ) the degree , nature and stability of administrative control , if any , that it of itself exercises over the territory of the state ; ( c ) whether Her Majesty 's Government has any dealings with it and if so what is the nature of those dealings ; and ( d ) in marginal cases , the extent of international recognition that it has as the government of the state .
26 The Scottish new towns constitute a microcosm of what is happening over the whole of Britain .
27 The Mason climbed the spokes of the cart wheel , grunted with the exertion of climbing over the rim of the stage , and rose to his feet where the golden pavilion hid him from Gabriel 's view .
28 Each gentle breath was exquisitely hushed in these still hours as the light began to glimmer over the arch of heaven , ‘ mid the cloud-wreaths , over the mountains , and on the wide expanse of ocean — ahead , astern , and on either side of us , as we sped towards Lewis .
29 After grappling over the course of the novel with his essential nature and that of those around him , he finally renounces his quest for a fixed meaning , a completed story :
30 If the bolts were responsible , then a further question mark will hang over the future of the industry .
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