Example sentences of "[verb] those [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Romanyshyn 's exposition of the critique is , however , forceful and lively and may stimulate those working within the traditional paradigm at least to justify their indifference , if not to question their perspective .
2 The ideas put forward are offered as a structure to enable finance theorists and accountants to widen their perspectives and also to encourage those operating in the strategy field to welcome collaboration with finance specialists .
3 We have reformed the organisation of the NHS to encourage those working in the service to respond to what patients want and need , and to get the most out of the increased money which the taxpayer provides .
4 Fujimori 's " reservations " on 41 articles of the bill had included those relating to the expenses of Congress which , he argued , should also " comply with the principles of austerity " .
5 Further constitutional reform will include those leading to the replacement of the House of Lords with a new elected Second Chamber which will have the power to delay , for the lifetime of a Parliament , change to designated legislation reducing individual or constitutional rights .
6 In the rest of the region , Israel Radio 's coverage allows those living in the Arab world to hear about events that are censored by their own governments .
7 employers in the IT industries and in education dominated those recruiting from the Advanced Courses .
8 Apprehensive of defeat , he sent one reserve corps to bolster the northern sector , another to the southern sector , while holding those remaining between the two .
9 Thus it is not an easy task facing those working in the UK to raise awareness about the causes of world poverty , and the dangers to the planet of Western hegemonic over-development , and the present economic order .
10 Several previous generations of editors presented a picture of Shakespeare 's evolving genius based on complete plays jumping out of his head in a pattern of development that made those appearing in the seventeenth century ‘ more mature ’ than those appearing in the sixteenth .
11 The women 's victory in 1918 was unspectacular and came about primarily because the government had to update the electoral register to include those serving in the armed forces .
12 We wished to compare those living in the same areas ( as we did for arrest rates ) and decided to exclude areas with less than 10 per cent .
13 The former represents those accruing from the families of those already members , while the latter represents those recruited who are from families of non-members .
14 The reason for the inclusion of the word ‘ limited ’ in the title of limited companies is to enable those trading with the company to know that the liability of members of the company with which they are trading is limited .
15 AGROUP of moderate Muslims yesterday launched a campaign to silence those calling for the death of the novelist , Mr Salman Rushdie .
16 The government has consistently maintained that market rents should prevail in the private sector and that local authority rents should more nearly approach those obtaining in the private sector .
17 If one combines those living below the SB line with those within 140 per cent of it — i.e. those ‘ on the margins of poverty ’ — low wages mean that 3.75 million people suffer serious deprivation .
18 And after a World Cup match : ‘ Do n't tell those coming in the result of that fantastic match .
19 The Corporals took it in turns to watch those digging from the shelter of the farmhouse , wrapped up and drinking hot coffee .
20 The change was symbolized in the order of the clauses , which broke all republican precedents by placing those dealing with the president before those dealing with parliament .
21 But Mr Momper , faced with accommodating those coming from the East , said that while everyone was welcome , the question should also be asked whether people were not needed ‘ to create a better society in East Germany ’ .
22 It is not surprising , therefore , that cultural influences from Italy have , until comparatively recently , had a greater effect than have those emanating from the Balkans .
23 Group 3 errors include those arising through the processing of geographical data , such as numerical computing errors , faulty topological analyses and errors in interpolation .
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