Example sentences of "[verb] people [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Pondering over the cycle 's military potential , whether or not it might ‘ mitigate the decline of the rural population ’ , fearing that it would tempt people away from the churches , but rejoicing that it would lure others away from ‘ demonstrations in Hyde Park or low-class places of amusement ’ , The Times thus moved its discussion skilfully between different planes of anxiety .
2 We forgot the size of the 8 per cent swing required to give Labour an overall majority ; that the Tories had held their private leadership election 18 months before ; that recessions steel hearts rather than change them , driving people back to the devil they know , to secure their own base-line rather than pushing them towards adventurous alternatives .
3 Often the set lunches are so cheap , in fact , that they work as a loss leader — a taster to tempt people back in the evening .
4 I think this is not just a problem in Kent , I think that there has been a erm an undue er move in this direction nationally , er for what ever reasons public policy was very much about keeping people out of the courts , er I suspect that this is er er a policy which is of doubtful philosophical underpinning .
5 And that is the high unit cost end , with the people who move into nursing homes , and obviously our highest cost , with the exception of certain very complex cases on physical disability , erm , where we , we do occasionally get higher cost packages keeping people out of the nursing home .
6 Chapman saw that floodlighting , by enabling games to be played in the evening , would win people away from the rival attractions of dog racing ( ’ it does not make the slightest appeal to me ’ ) and the speedway .
7 And the grandma advised people still on the waiting list :
8 And the grandma advised people still on the waiting list : ‘ Do n't give up .
9 ‘ It will be a varied programme with the emphasis on quality and wooing people back into the theatre , ’ he says .
10 This counterfeiter of creation is always happy to lead people away from the real Jesus Christ .
11 Along the way Aileen told people all about the charity and the work they do for children with terminal or life threatening illnesses , she also explained just what the charity had done for her family when they were faced with such a situation .
12 The problems of these rural areas have ‘ pushed ’ or repelled people away from the country , while the towns and cities of central Scotland and England have ‘ pulled ’ or attracted them .
13 Erm er this o this one is not one single job as it happens but it is the kind of thing that we have come up against before and I 've put them the things together in one so that we do n't identify people really under the circumstances .
14 Surely that 'll bring people back into the theatre it would obviously pay the artist it would also bring money into the theatre if the theatre could actually charged for them to do them .
15 They are successful and helpful devices to help people out of the isolation of unemployment .
16 City streets have also provided Matthew Carr with material , though now he has abandoned his old habit of pulling people in off the pavement , ‘ as it can be taken the wrong way ’ .
17 Look people straight in the eye when they are talking to you and check if what they say stays in your mind longer .
18 Erm I mean obviously you 've got people up in the flats who at times , hit absolute desperate rock-bottom situations .
19 However , many employers arranged after April 1975 to buy people back into the graduated scheme .
20 When you get people on to a sort of Noddy Goes Selling course , which is the first one you come on , you are expected to believe that when you leave here anybody who does n't use T N T Express would be absolutely crazy , and that everybody you 're going to talk to is going to bite your arm off as long as you stay with your boyfriend .
21 If this is done in hardness of spirit , it tends to harden attitudes and drive people away for the Lord .
22 The arrangements should be discussed with the signer prior to the meeting , and staff prepared to guide people unobtrusively to the designated area .
23 I think they had a bit of juggling to do , moving people out of the odd house in rows they demolished , and into the empty spots in ones they 're keeping — like filling decaying teeth-but most of it was just rotting where it stood .
24 They thought it would draw people in from a wider
25 At Petworth , Lord Egremont instituted a ‘ voluntary ’ emigration policy , ‘ shovelling out paupers ’ which set people up in a new life in Canada , 1456 of them in five years .
26 And the Gunners ' record signing , pilloried for his moment of madness in the battle of White Hart Lane a week ago , said : ‘ People in the street are going to look at me as if I 'm some kind of nutcase trying to put people out of the game . ’
27 Er I therefore think that there should be a process by which the Secretary of State can be involved in getting people on to the police authority , but My Lords should those erm er people be in a position at any time to be the majority or the predominant voice on the authority .
28 Well not a lot really , like just getting people up on the bank for the ambulances to pick 'em up from the motorway .
29 ‘ Contacts will continue in every way possible in relation to getting people back to the table . ’
30 so that 's done some work on that , and there 's now four models for training , one is the , you know , on the job , evenings , training , there 's the weekend model of getting people together for the weekend , there 's the sort of summer school idea and the other one 's the one that Doug keeps reminding me about , which I keep forgetting about which is the distance learning one , er we , I think this is the one he thinks is running in Dundee , that maybe help with because the idea of developing a pack which is kind of trainer proof
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