Example sentences of "[verb] take over from [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 MOVIE heart-throb Kevin Costner has taken over from Arnold Schwarzenegger as Hollywood 's most powerful actor , according to a survey .
2 Dr Jean Bainbridge has taken over from Coun Heather Scott as president of the Darlington and District Soroptimists .
3 Stuart Ward has taken over from Bill Davidson who retired at the end of last year .
4 New secretary Paul Birks of Mason 's Ironstone , who has taken over from Peter Masheter , said : ‘ Golf is no longer seen as a rich man 's sport and is accessible to all ages and pockets .
5 It seems Spain has taken over from Italy as chief innovator on the modern scene : ‘ The 1990s will see Spain firmly positioned at the top of the international market , ’ declares Robert Smith .
6 Stanley has taken over from William P. Baker B.Sc(Eng) , ARTCS , CEng , FIEE , MIERE , whose tenure of office expired August last and who was notable for a remarkable upsurge in attendance at Convocation 's social events .
7 But Souness is backing the player who has taken over from Bruce Grobbelaar , Anfield 's first-choice keeper for the last 11 seasons .
8 A past secretary of Monmouthshire Show she has taken over from Liz Davies who is now full-time NFU group secretary for Brecon and Radnor North .
9 Wake , who has taken over from Ron Aitken , said one of BAIE 's strengths was its diversity and it made sound practice , as well as fun , to tap into the network .
10 Former hooker Steve Jones has taken over from John Perkins as coach , included in their personnel are former Lions Staff Jones and Graham Price , and club captain Chris Huish , who announced his retirement at the end of last season .
11 When he 'd started regaining his confidence he told us that he 'd taken over from Terry in the endless arguments with David Jacobsen .
12 He 'd taken over from Hercule Riquard as maître de chai , and he poured his whole life into promoting La Tour Monchauzet wines into a class of their own .
13 He has often joked that he would like to take over from John Peel when he retires .
14 Kelly is hardly going to take over from Strach ( if his injury is that bad ) with Rocky in the wings .
15 But the modern equivalents of the apothecaries , surgeons , druggists and vets of the past now operate from Driffield , which began to take over from Kilham as the ‘ Capital of the Wolds ’ in the late 18th century and through the 19th .
16 They included taking over from Sir Alec Guinness as TV spy George Smiley .
17 The Minoans were also adept at sculpting human figures from ivory , a practice they may have taken over from Egypt , where sensitive carvings of rulers had been a feature of Old Kingdom art.14 The ivory figure of a Minoan deity grasping two snakes made of gold ( fig. 6 ) is of interest as an essay in chryselephantine work combining the crafts of ivory carving and gold smithing .
18 Having taken over from Michael Barton as captain , Surridge led boldly , the sum of his character and his various skills proving formidable even if , paradoxically , he would never have been considered a batsman or bowler of the highest class .
19 The next morning he reported to Sir Dick White , then head of MI6 ( having taken over from Sir John Sinclair after the Crabb fiasco — see Chapter 3 ) .
20 Los Angeles is set to take over from New York as the busiest port in the world .
21 In 1971 Michael ( two years later to be Sir Michael ) Clapham succeeded Lord Kings Norton as Chairman of the Council , and Edwin Kerr was appointed to take over from Frank Hornby in 1972 .
22 JAMES FULLER has been appointed to take over from John Hammond as general manager , JS restaurants , with full profit responsibility for the JS coffee shop business .
23 Miyazawa had taken over from Toshiki Kaifu only on Nov. 5 , 1991 , after the Kaifu administration had been brought down by a string of financial corruption cases [ see pp. 38558-59 ] .
24 It was perhaps partly for this reason that on 21 September he ordered General Enrique Varela ( who had taken over from Yagüe when the latter became ill ) to make a detour to Toledo , to relieve what remained of nearly 2,000 Nationalists who had been besieged in the giant fortress — the alcazar — since the end of July .
25 This latter business was undertaken in the most difficult financial circumstances and , even after the newly founded Bank of England had taken over from Herne , it was his credit that kept the artillery train in Flanders from starving late in 1694 .
26 Duncan Wood , who had taken over from Michael Mills as BBC television 's head of comedy , asked Allen to see Crawford on stage in No Sex , Please — We 're British .
27 An Italian , Gionesca , was absent from parade one morning as we lined up for inspection by the Sergeant-Major ; Corporal Herve , a scarred Frenchman who had taken over from Vigno as duty NCO , went upstairs to find him .
28 Blanche introduced the sergeant to Dave Pushell , who had taken over from Ken O'Mara as the new editor of Inside Out just before the murder .
29 The vice-president , Salvador Laurel , would love to take over from Mrs Aquino , with whom he fell out soon after taking office .
30 Jason Hemmings is poised to take over from Howell in goal next season .
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