Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] [noun sg] [that] " in BNC.

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1 I , I did do years gone by yes and they , they did move into the football combination at one time , because it was considered that the Midland Intermediate League was too big a jump for young men into the first team and the difference was so vast in the type of football that Walsall second team they u only playing young fellas , and they used to win seven and eight goal margins every week you know , but then they moved up into combination that was a better standard of football , but latter years economy drives and everything they came back out of the combination reverted to the Midland Intermediate again which I believe there are two phases of that no one for s older players and the other one strictly for youth players
2 A magazine rack overflowed with rolled newspapers : they had obviously arrived by post , but many were unopened , as though Reid had n't had time to catch up with news that must have been at least a month old .
3 Well he does n't know where I live at the but it came up in court that he was going to take me to court for access , making it out as though it was my fault that he had n't seen Ricky , I was stopping him from seeing Ricky when it 's his own fault .
4 Family placements offered a context for growing up in care that was consistent with their belief in the children 's psychological need to belong to families .
5 We arrive to witness a near riot — the dull hungry eyes of the children having been lit up by fear that the food is about to run out .
6 He should have been with the girl from the petrol station half an hour ago , but he was too eaten up with jealousy that his dear amigo , Luke , had taken that white-haired she-devil out for a drink .
7 ‘ I know Rosemary feels eaten up by guilt that she 's fallen in love with you while she 's married to someone else , but surely — ’ Leith tried to reason .
8 Although it is possible , according to Data Logic , to build OLTP systems that straddle the two technologies , you end up with software that may be interoperable , but wo n't be portable between the two .
9 She was glad to reach the door of the Seven Stars where she could rest the bag , though she was screwed up with fear that Garty might pop out of some alley , or Samson erupt like a volcano from the bowels of the tavern .
10 Stories of inferior accommodation , equipment and materials , effectively deemed to be ‘ good enough ’ for students with special needs , seemed to far outweigh reports of a stated commitment for those students being backed up by provision that was dignified and appropriate .
11 Evaporation losses can be topped up with tapwater that has been dechlorinated with a good quality conditioner such as TetraPond AquaFin .
12 De Vries soon lost interest and began to promote his ‘ mutation theory ’ , which stressed the role of saltations backed up by evidence that significant new characters were being produced in cultivated populations of the evening primrose .
13 what better way to sell yourself than come up with a contentious issue backed up by evidence that you
14 In Orkney the abandoned wreck of the Bettina Danica will be held up as proof that tough controls are needed on shipping passing through the treacherous waters of the Pentland Firth .
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