Example sentences of "[verb] up and [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Has anyone rung up and told me I 've won a million pounds ?
2 Pat rung up and wanted me to fetch the dressing table on Tuesday night I said yeah alright I 'll do Wednes but I forgot I was going out with the girls Wednesday so I went out Tuesday and she would n't let me have it , cos Tuesdays they 're not working in the kitchen
3 Wayne was driving now as they left the last of the houses behind , following the lake shore for a while until the wooded hillside of the Step rose up and screened it from their sight .
4 A billowing wave of darkness rose up and sucked her to its depths , and she sank to the floor .
5 Angel , on a faster pony and using his whip , had nearly caught her up when Luke thundered up and rode him off .
6 Modest Derek would only say : ‘ I saw Luke caught up and grabbed him — that 's all . ’
7 As people adopt wilder and wilder attempts to keep the bad feelings down , so it is ever more likely that these feelings will bounce up and hit them even harder in return .
8 And Joey rings up and said I ca n't get down .
9 yeah , you see , so we were laughing about this , anyway , Christopher phoned up and said he got through to the second part , he was the only one that was going through to the second part and he phoned up about forty five minutes later to say that he 'd erm , he 'd got the job
10 And we went round this estate ca n't remember where it was and erm thought knock on the doors and se , ask people had seen it and then later in the day this woman phoned up and said she saw a couple of kids walk down the road with it and sort of ca , called them over and said oh I heard that his , his .
11 that , that way , he must of said something because Christopher phoned up and said I 'm coming down tomorrow
12 Then , in September 1990 , the unbelievable occurred : Wendy woke up and knew she was pregnant .
13 And there was something about it that froze the blood , even before he woke up and knew it was real .
14 Those were the last words he said to me , apart from when he woke up and said he had to go to the toilet but you do n't count that , do you . ’
15 And she was all right because when I got back here , she drove up and asked me over for coffee .
16 She 'd gone to visit her parents in Chalatenango and nine armed men in a jeep just drove up and shot her right in front of her parents .
17 Eventually he got fed up and told them to stop bothering him and ignored their letters .
18 And if anyone came up and told me off for sleeping on the pavement I 'd say I was the King of England and I can sleep anywhere I like .
19 One day the screw came up and told me I had a visit down in the solicitor 's ; I went down and this man presented himself as a court welfare officer .
20 anything about coming , and yet Jenny came up and told me that she was coming on Friday , er before I got that letter , got that letter the next day
21 Cos somebody came up and told me which is even more rude .
22 Matt was peeing in the river when one of the sparks came up and told him it was n't a good idea .
23 While I was gazing at the chamber a schoolgirl who was touring the gallery with her father came up and asked me how it worked .
24 When I was making runs at Leeds Graham Gooch came up and asked me how on earth I was batting so well on that pitch .
25 No , she said that she came up and asked you if you wan na go out with Emma
26 I was talking to Mike McFarlane when Allan came up and interrupted us and spoke to Mac , looking me over but not saying anything to me .
27 The mosquitos came up and bit me in the dark .
28 The mosquitos came up and bit me in the dark .
29 there were one or two lads in our unit who were sons of er , of er manufacturing , one was er Crawford Biscuits you know , I soldiered with him and I do n't know if you remember er erm , er but anyway , Frank , Frank at Keighley of course when I got , when we got married he , he came up and got us these blankets did n't he ?
30 And if she came up and thought I had n't washed properly she would push my head under the water and hold it there .
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