Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So there is some pattern in this spelling it 's awkward it 's not as trouble is English is mixed up with bits of all sort of other languages over hundreds of thousands of years .
2 One is tempted to get mixed up with arguments about the Origins of life and the beginning of the main fossil record , of the mysterious " Lipalian Interval " that was once favoured and of great world-wide marine transgressions .
3 These features were then mixed up with features from the local cottages of Surrey and Sussex — the tiled roof , the tile-hung wall and the gable .
4 ‘ I think he 's probably a bit mixed up in matters of doctrine but he claims to be a ‘ true protestant ’ not , as he says , a Lutheran protestant .
5 A general opening up of economies to multilateral trade .
6 They said something like that , they seemed fairly relaxed erm now what numbering is is this one that there would be any value opening up to others for the whole thing
7 Lash and Urry ( 1987 ) , for instance , write of the break-up of ‘ organized capitalism ’ and the development of ‘ disorganized capitalism ’ , in the variable responses of the United States and some of the West European nations to the end of the post-war boom ; Piore and Sabel ( 1984 ) write of a ‘ second industrial divide ’ opening up in societies as a result of the development of flexible manufacturing systems .
8 When I retired four years ago , I decided I would like to help and encourage other people to paint , and hopefully get as much pleasure form the hobby as I do , and since that time I have been able to meet up with groups of friends and pass on to them the knowledge I have gained through the pages of your magazine .
9 In the evenings it was nice to meet up with friends in one of the Club 's bars to discuss stories of the day before wandering into the restaurant to indulge in the delicious hot and cold buffet , washed down with free wine .
10 The broken windows had been boarded up with pieces of wood from the attic .
11 Er er and it seems to me that the court should n't be clogged up with cases like this .
12 The lighting was subtle : concealed behind pelmets , inset into the ceiling , bounced up from uplights on the floor , flickering from candles .
13 But it was Dr George Tolley , director of the MSC 's Open Tech Unit , whatever that is , who was having a go about professional people not keeping up with developments in their professions .
14 Arsenal will go top of the League for the first time since May '91 today if they beat Coventry and Blackburn slip up against Spurs at Ewood Park .
15 Not only had Bohr explained Balmer 's mysterious formula ( and other later formulae for lines corresponding to ending up in orbits with unc but he had also enabled the value of the Rydberg constant A to be calculated in terms of the known quantities m , e , c and h .
16 Empirical research on custody and divorce , on the personal experiences of divorcees both as solicitors ' clients and as consumers of the judicial process , and on the experiences and attitudes of registrars and lawyers added up to proposals for legal reform from an instrumental perspective .
17 What a guide IF YOU are thinking of a driving holiday in France this year it is well worth being able to parle a little motoring Francaise and the AA , along the National Tyre and Autocare have come up with ways of helping to make yourself understood .
18 The lower levels of these vast ‘ graveyards ’ built up into beds of limestone and colossal shifts in the earth 's structure meant that much of this was raised above sea level .
19 Her most valuable contribution lay in the relationships she built up with delegates from all round the world .
20 Not really a march , not even a brisk tramp , but a shuffling movement forward towards the opened gate : Holly saw the high wooden fence of vertical overlapping boards and above it the rise of steep angled roofs and in the corners were watch-towers built up on stilts with the platform reached by open ladder .
21 They are phoney devices built up of strips of card or other material to give an appearance of genuine binding .
22 Wright 's sting was picked up by officials at Equity & Law when they noticed a sudden change in his lifestyle .
23 For which of these excursions was he in the company of Yeats ? presumably from the Pound papers now at New Haven it would not be hard to come up with answers to these questions .
24 Novell Inc 's BrainShare ‘ 93 get-together in Utah , March 22 to 26 , is promising to come up with answers to questions like ‘ Can Microsoft Corp NT and NetWare co-exist ? ’
25 Novell Inc 's BrainShare ‘ 93 get-together in Utah March 22–26 is promising to come up with answers to questions like ‘ Can Microsoft Corp NT and NetWare co-exist ? ’
26 But the workers hope to marry them together with the aid of computer techniques to come up with sets of data ‘ signatures ’ that will indicate deposits far beneath the Earth .
27 The Health Secretary , Virginia Bottomley , who condemned the LAS 's ‘ failure on all sides ’ , has given South West Thames Regional Health Authority a month to come up with plans for strengthening the lines of management accountability .
28 Funny how with all their computers and name-matching , these people never seem to come up with offers of anything one actually wants : Diners Club France has chosen Cardpac , Sema Group Plc 's software package for managing credit cards , to support a ‘ new commercial strategy and to develop its financial and non-financial services ’ in a contract said to be worth between $1.45m and $1.8m : ‘ We will use Cardpac to follow our clients ’ activity and to construct a database segmented by expenses , in order to understand client profiles better and to adapt our offers to their needs , ’ said Rolf Harff , managing director of Diners Club France .
29 Part of the approach is a 15-member commission authorised by the House of Representatives to come up with recommendations for new airline policies .
30 Concerned at the way neither she nor her friends wore ‘ Laura Ashley ’ clothes ( too many frills , too much lace , all up to the neck and down to the ankles , they said ) Laura asked them to come up with suggestions for the sort of outfits they would like to wear .
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