Example sentences of "[verb] more [conj] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 The number of consultants overseas continued to grow and the emphasis of the business moved more and more to Europe .
2 As the centuries passed and the second coming receded into the remote future , it came more and more to be assumed that the final verdict could be pre-empted .
3 Like Maurice , with whom they had some affinities , Nevin and Schaff had a horror of party-spirit and sectarianism , and also of the individualism they found deeply entrenched in much American Protestantism , especially in the revivalist movements which came more and more to the fore through the nineteenth century .
4 Some mountain farmers were looking more and more to tourism to provide the extra income necessary to allow them to continue living on their farms .
5 As she had suffered one setback after another-no money , another still birth , one or other of the boys in trouble with the police — she had turned more and more to the church .
6 While this sort of dissatisfaction was being aired , the Manpower Services Commission , established in 1974 as an offshoot of the Department of Trade and Industry , was becoming increasingly important in the training of the young unemployed : the education service seemed more and more to be poor , mean and irrelevant when contrasted with the up-to-date and positively useful service of training .
7 Media of all kinds seemed more and more to be under the control of a few large international corporations , headed by brusque individualists and outsize personalities such as Robert Maxwell and Rupert Murdoch , who were natural heirs , perhaps , to the Beaverbrooks and Kemsleys .
8 Tensions submerged in the earlier campaign now came to the fore and led more and more to a coercive policy of sexual regulation , especially of working-class prostitutes .
9 I am drawn more and more to a resurrected belief in the marginal and its value-in-itself , beyond any consideration of its power to infect pop 's arterial thoroughfares .
10 She would have recovered some of her old high spirits if it had not been for a bout of measles and turning more and more to alcohol .
11 The outcome in the wider area of Church organization was that while Protestantism surrendered more and more to nationalism , Erastianism and/or fragmentation , Catholicism held these forces in check through clericalism , centralization and an enhanced uniformity .
12 But he turned more and more to her .
13 At first , as Counts of Poitou , the Dukes had been chiefly involved in northern French politics but once they had also become Counts of Gascony their interests turned more and more to the south , towards Toulouse and towards Spain , where they took a leading part in the Holy War against the Moslems .
14 Pulled more and more to this unkempt edge of the field .
15 I am coming more and more to the view that the evolution of life , like the evolution of continents and of the stratigraphical column in general , has been a very episodic affair , with short " happenings " interrupting long periods of nothing much in particular .
16 The contrast between the view that moral distinctions are detected by sense and feeling and the view that they are revealed as necessary truth to reason was a central theme in the moral philosophy of David Hume ( 1711–76 ) , whose philosophy is recognized as empiricism brought more or less to perfection .
17 The National Coal Board having decided not to do this , control of the protest fell more and more to the police and to the criminal courts .
18 That was why , Claudia saw suddenly , Fleur had clung more than ever to Dana after their father 's death .
19 Even things like couriers , taxis and other business-related expenses are being charged more and more to the card .
20 Liberalism was Left more and more to the Jews who , as a socially inferior group , were naturally more inclined to see the value of individual liberty and equality than the Germans , intoxicated since the victory of 1870 ( over France ) by a sense of the strength of the German people …
21 The ideas were always Durance 's , he always initiated the paintings and when his hands permitted he carried out the work , but as he had become increasingly crippled the execution had been left more and more to his protégée .
22 Now several mornings a week when perhaps she should have been concerning herself with the house ( she delegated more and more to the housekeeper , who after all had run everything before she , Lily , had come ) , she would go and sit with Sadie , who was expecting another child at Christmas .
23 Subsequently , Miss Picon inclined more and more to the legitimate theatre , both on Broadway and on tour .
24 ‘ After I 'd been at the shop roughly eighteen months — that was in August 1914 — the Great War broke out ; and as two of our workmen joined the armed forces I had more or less to be pushed on .
25 It is not surprising that many Primary teachers at this time gave up trying their own hand at teaching the subject , leaving more and more to the ‘ expert ’ .
26 — the spelling of English was more or less fixed several hundred years ago ; but the pronunciation keeps changing , so that even where a letter once corresponded more or less to a sound , now it may not ;
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