Example sentences of "[verb] come [adv] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 Where , the environment trust , since our initial meeting have spoken er , both with Essex County Council and community groups in the area and have made substantial progress erm on the idea of er , using some of the land to the rear of er , the existing Franklyns block er , so they do want to come back with some wider proposals for a larger scheme which will be much the same as regards the Franklyns block but will include nine er , additional homes erm , and they will be two three bed houses and seven er , two bedroom houses .
2 When representatives of the offending authorities are called to account by the Committee , they will need to come up with some better answers to justify their past actions than that members of CPRW are just a fractious minority .
3 Delving deep into its archives it has come up with some winners , not least a luscious 1947 performance of Bax 's The Garden of Fand that I once possessed and enjoyed in its original , 78 rpm form .
4 In addition , IDC has come up with some projections that indicate not everybody is buying the hype .
5 ‘ Juval Aviv is a very astute investigator who has come up with some very plausible explanations , ’ he said .
6 I am delighted that the right hon. Gentleman has come up with some further suggestions .
7 Mrs Clamp has come across with some details on sporadic occasions , too , though they are probably no more to be relied on than what my father 's told me .
8 Bernstein 's work has come in for some strong criticism recently .
9 The various caveats expressed in 6.8.4 on the use of statistical techniques by sociolinguists are not as negative as they might seem , since recently the overuse of significance testing in social science research generally has come in for some criticism .
10 However , the NRA has come in for some criticism for not taking action .
11 The decision to hold Course IV in this way has come about with some reluctance and a great deal of heart-searching and concern .
12 ‘ Our resources are limited , but we hope to come up with some constructive recommendations , ’ said Coun Coppinger after the group 's first meeting yesterday .
13 But I think it is important for us to er , as an individual authority as well as working with other authorities , to actually keep up the pressure on the Ministry to , to let them know that this is n't going to go away , and that they 've got to come up with some answers which are , which are going to try and satisfy people .
14 the real feeling and we feel we 've got to come up to some sort of a standard .
15 The problem I think comes when you go when you become insolvent , you know , and I think that 's and so therefore unless we 're going to come up with some system where we do insure our pensions as we do our home , then you , you , you 're still back to the basic contract between a company and an individual .
16 You can have a lot of fun shooting city lights , but there are one or two points to watch out for if you are going to come away with some really effective shots .
17 They may have a slight perturbation on the behaviour of the school teachers , because they 're going to come back with some ideas which the school teachers will find slightly foreign to them .
18 I 'd like to go along with it , but I think it 's an area that ou ought to be clear when , er , grants coming in for some or even minor building works , there ought to be a specification within , whether the building can cover it or whatever .
19 If these governments want to win back the access to international capital markets that they need in order to expand and prosper , they will have to come up with some ideas of their own .
20 At some time , you 'll have to come back into some sort of a system like G C S Es if , if they 're , I mean they might be changed , but there 'll be something like
21 Yeah er they , they would n't have come out with some of the things about er I ca n't remember what was said that erm you know er would n't mind meeting you in the bath or
22 Well Tony Primmer 's an Australian and has been riding at Eastbourne and we were looking at him prior to this erm sort of amalgamation that came in because erm with our friendship with Bob Dugard , and looking for younger riders , he was sort of earmarked to come here at some stage .
23 After working through this example try to come up with some other bass line/double-stop ideas of your own .
24 Do n't these people realise that dozens of reviewers are likely to spend several hours gazing blankly at the album sleeve as they try to come up with some natty simile to describe the musical contents therein ?
25 ‘ You 're on the verge of losing it anyway unless you start coming up with some answers . ’
26 Whereas at the time it was a thin old wicket — you know , ‘ Madness are a bit thick and they do come out with some bollocks sometimes , so I do n't know if I can throw my weight behind them ’ . ’
27 They were n't concerned with that , although they did come up with some electro um electro-static field , or electro magnatic magnetic fields in the brain or something .
28 The peasants in the Roslavl' region did come in for some attention during 1922 , though supervision was at best paternalistic , sporadic , and myopic .
29 Either way it should be helpful Now , interestingly people , more recently , and by that the late seventies and the eighties , have attempted to actually operationalise and measure the principles and they 've come up with some fairly ingen ingenious experimental designs to take tha to explore these avenues .
30 The 18 months that Del Amitri have been away from the spotlight have n't been wasted and they 've come up with some belting songs to prove it .
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