Example sentences of "[verb] her [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So how did Mrs Price win her case when she was alleging age discrimination .
2 All the promises of help from the LTA failed to materialise , but nothing clouded her ambitions or her aspirations .
3 Tears clouded her eyes as she remembered those dark days , but she blinked them away .
4 Even so , a little frown of apprehension clouded her face as her thoughts strayed to the hours ahead .
5 so what we 've got ta do is we got ta buy her desk and we 've got ta buy her a little chest of drawers
6 Only one thing surprised me — I did n't recognise her voice and I had thought I would .
7 Until then she had been tortured by fears that she might not recognise her son if she should see him .
8 Forcing herself to stay still , not to complain because her mother had always said complaining was bad , she waited , trying to contain her impatience so it did n't spill out from her body and spoil everything .
9 To try and tempt her appetite because she 's throwing up
10 She never knew how long she slept , but when she drifted back to consciousness she was aware even before opening her eyes that she was no longer alone in the room , and her body stiffened .
11 ‘ Look at me , ’ he said , and she did , slowly opening her eyes until they were fixed on his face .
12 He would need her help if they were to take the matter further .
13 Beneath the oral history lies a sad text of spies , betrayers , official reprisal and oppression , and heartrending devotion : ‘ Old Mrs Macdonald , after her guest had left the house , took the sheets in which he had lain , folded them carefully , and charged her daughter that they should be kept unwashed , and that , when she died , her body should be wrapped in them as a winding sheet .
14 For a moment he refused to meet her eyes but she said his name .
15 After one or two walks over the hills together the girl preferred to stay at home so the mother went on her own ; on one of these occasions Peony had actually tidied up and got tea ready and gone a little way along the track to meet her mother when she saw her coming up the hill .
16 The girl who 's just 14 was at Bletchley Railway Station to meet her boyfriend when her ordeal began .
17 Phoebe felt the tension prickling her belly as she lay down again .
18 This would baffle her friends and her students who had the impression that she was engaged in some vast if imprecise enterprise .
19 There was n't a lot the captain could say without jeopardizing her standing so she just nodded once and switched off .
20 ‘ I was picturing her face when I said I was seeing you this evening . ’
21 They used to pinch her tabs and everything , so she tried to hang herself .
22 And er , Margot was behind the and they were painting her house and somebody fell and she had to go and give them artificial respiration or something did n't she ?
23 Luke 's hands were cradling her head and he was kissing her all over her face with an adoring tenderness she would never have dreamed was possible .
24 One hand came up , cradling her face as he slanted his mouth over hers , softening the demand and yet deepening the kiss with a tender seduction that was as devastating as his initial urgency .
25 Lord only knew what cutting comments would have come her way if he had .
26 Rita , who was too afraid to show her face to the cameras , divorced her husband after she was forced to take part in an arranged marriage , a practice she believes is barbaric and almost as bad as prostitution .
27 Tears misted her eyes as she stared back at him , wishing she did n't feel so confused , and heard him curse softly , as though the words were torn from him against his will .
28 Well the bugger is just coming on and he was cleaning the car down hosing her car so he says I turned the hose on him .
29 The softly spoken threat cut through the haze fogging her brain and she sat bolt upright , knocking away the hand that had been caressing her into submission almost without her realising it .
30 It is n't working out for me , I 've been told I 've got ta increase my payments to a hundred and one pounds fifty two a week for my two children from my previous marriage , and I 've been told by Social Security that the hundred and one pound fifty two a week will take my ex-wife and her husband off income support , so I will be keeping her family and their child .
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