Example sentences of "[verb] so [adv] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 my daddy goes erm where will you be so I can in touch with you by phone laughing cos they were shouting at me and then he said to me and then I told him it was n't and he goes so why do you go
2 Dougal was relieved that Miss Devenish agreed so readily to see him .
3 It 's rude to talk when you 're eating so why have you got the tape machine running ?
4 That she has so kindly obliged me this evening , and on Twelfth Night of all nights causes me no small surprise . ’
5 As Sir Arthur Bryant has so vividly put it , ‘ That life of scholarship and labour , with the tireless hand writing amid the intervals of prayer and teaching , sometimes so frozen that it could hardly grip the pen , is one of the proud memories of England . ’
6 For months , British diplomats have been wondering what to do with this thoroughbred stallion , an official present to the Prime Minister which has so far caused him nothing but embarrassment .
7 It is the only card he has left in a game which has so far seen her win every hand .
8 What has so far prevented them from becoming assimilated to each other is not only the fact that in the field of psychotherapy , differing theories do not readily and happily intermix , but that each theory tends to take sides ( without this necessarily being apparent ) in the eternal dialogue between youth and age .
9 The quantum theory created then has proved adequate for all that has so far followed it .
10 But a bungled , unlawful business deal has so far cost them £5.3m and led to the sacking of all the BRDC 's 12 directors .
11 His latest project ‘ The Duchess of Sutherland ’ , which is a copy of the full size engines and has so far taken him three years to build is just one of the engines which can be seen .
12 This could be the year Nigel Mansell finally overcomes his great rival Ayrton Senna and clinches the world motor racing championship which has so far eluded him .
13 That 's what Mansell does — not merely racing , but striving for the supreme prize which has so far eluded him .
14 For the British driver , it would be just one more step towards the world title which has so far eluded him .
15 Is this what we have been waiting for all these years , the answer that has so far eluded us ?
16 They can only conclude that ‘ Either badgers waste energy with the continued digging or very large burrows confer an advantage that has so far eluded us . ’
17 Oh please , thought Grainne , please let it be that , for I have come so far to find it .
18 No , the two pro , the thing that the two prongs sit in is cracked so naturally say it had to go into a hole that size , right ?
19 The cross-section data used so far gives us little indication about how many workers continue in employment long enough to recoup the wages that were deferred earlier in their career .
20 When you have done so please sign it and return it to me immediately in the pre-paid envelope provided .
21 We were not gracious yesterday — especially as this child came so far to find us .
22 It lacks the personal touch it lacks the personal touch which is why you never send your people letters saying you 're fired or you know lost a job you always talk to them and it can be more expensive in terms of materials you use it 's it is very very expensive on mat materials and cheap on time but it 's a personal relationships that 's the first thing okay that 'll do so when do we use it ?
23 ( Remember Russell 's chicken ( Russell , 1959 , p. 35 ) , whose true beliefs about the regularity with which it had been fed so far led it into a false belief about the security of its future . )
24 Heady stuff , and to reject it outright with a condescending intellectual leer would have felt like a return trip down the chute into futility ; but now , with the radio offering a bleaker view of things , I was less certain why I 'd agreed so eagerly to meet him in the library of the Hall this morning .
25 I wanted to on the report you know so always had it with easy reference but
26 Looking back at the works of Marx and Engels so far examined we can see that these leave a fairly clear picture concerning some topics , and major uncertainties concerning others .
27 The very freedom from mass accountability which allows it to do so also makes it difficult for leaders to know what society is thinking : without mechanisms for making needs known and understood , Polish and Soviet leaders simply can not know what the consequences of a rise in food prices or of other policy shifts will be .
28 It is easy to stop squabbles and arguments in the interests of peace and harmony , yet to do so often prevents us from observing significant behaviour which can give the counsellor invaluable insight into how older people think and feel about themselves , other people and their situation .
29 In one of the most tantalising promises yet made in the computer industry , Unix System Laboratories Inc is claiming that independent software vendors who port their applications to its Destiny desktop implementation of Unix SVR4 will only have to do so once to have it run on the disparate architectures of Intel Corp , Sun Microsystems Inc Sparc RISC , MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC , Hewlett-Packard Co PA RISC and IBM Corp 's RS/6000 RISC .
30 ‘ So , ’ he said , smiling in obvious delight at having so easily disarmed her .
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