Example sentences of "[verb] so [adv] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 Although they do lie outside the mainstream — indeed , because they lie outside it — authors such as B. S. Johnson have at the very least an important exemplary function , keeping open a wide spectrum of possibility , even for authors who may not always wish to go so far in such radical directions themselves .
2 Why has British industry failed so comprehensively in these ways ?
3 The fact that the game was received so enthusiastically in such places as Argentina , Uruguay and Brazil , countries which had had south European rather than British cultures thrust upon them , testifies to the wide popular appeal of football .
4 He reckoned he had picked the wrong waves at the Hard Rock at Sunset , and was worn down by the sheer hard labour of surfing so long in such arduous conditions .
5 Although all the filter networks treated so far in this chapter cause phase shift , in each case it is accompanied by attenuation .
6 I do n't think I ever moved so fast in all my life .
7 The Pitman yard , which has done so well in this race — one winner , a second and two thirds since 1983 — believe he will adapt to the unique Aintree fences , and as long as he copes with the first few , they feel he must go close .
8 Everything that we have said so far in this section leans heavily on the hearer 's / reader 's ability to utilise his knowledge of the world and his past experience of similar events in interpreting the language which he encounters .
9 If we forget these differences , then we are no better than the bullies who figure so prominently in this book .
10 The Centro logo seen so prominently in that talk can be seen on the Cambrian system nowadays , due to stock being run from Birmingham .
11 This process does not work so well in all examples .
12 They had been wonderfully blessed to have had so long in this lovely place .
13 But it 's not wise to exercise so violently in such heat . ’
14 Of course , the Broadway that Clifford Odets and Alexander Mackendrick captured so brilliantly in that classic film has now vanished .
15 The soft tones of the colour range always produce a successful design and the joy of using all the silvery tones is that they last so well In many cases , the silver-grey effect is created by the very small hairs on the underside of the flower or leaf , which catch the light and give a lovely overall tone to the picture .
16 The simple sieves we have been considering so far in this chapter are all examples of single-step selection .
17 ‘ How can she have deteriorated so seriously in such a short time , when she only came here for a check-up ? ’
18 A room that British civil servants moan about but defend the way New Yorkers do New York because it shows how unique they are in coping so splendidly in such surroundings .
19 BillCheck , which will be part of the standard service available to all customers , enables users to call Customer Services at any time to check on how much they have spent so far in that month .
20 The opposition of Scipio Nasica to the destruction of Carthage figures so prominently in this account by Diodorus — and therefore by Posidonius — because he was thought to have foreseen the possibility of civil war in Rome if Carthage were to be eliminated : " but once the rival city was destroyed , it was only too evident that there would be civil war at home and that hatred for the governing power would spring up among all the allies because of the rapacity and lawlessness to which the Roman magistrates would subject them " ( 34.33.5 transl .
21 a place of amazing contrasts , you simply would n't believe that the landscape and scenery could change so dramatically in such a small distance , from the mountainous green countryside in the north to the fields of rock , ash and lava in the south .
22 So scorpion mating demands , for the first time among the animals that have appeared so far in this history , the ritualised safeguards and placations of courtship .
23 ‘ Gentrification ’ only went so far in most of the Sussex towns .
24 It should be said that the forecast figures have probably turned out to be slightly high , particularly for 1991 , since it seems unlikely that the US Department of Commerce would have foreseen the downturn in the global economy which is now biting so hard in all industries .
25 This image clearly does not correspond with the material presented so far in this chapter .
26 The material presented so far in this book offers an educational , self-help approach to clients ' anxiety problems .
27 The surveys we have discussed so far in this chapter have all involved taking a single cross-section sample of a particular population .
28 But I can not abandon my identity now as I did so freely in those days of my youth .
29 , who spoke so eloquently in this Chamber two years ago , has now joined the Trust staff .
30 The population has been increasing so fast in most Latin American countries that despite out-migration , the numbers of the peasantry are still on the increase .
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