Example sentences of "[verb] so [adj] that i " in BNC.

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1 Val with Matthew and William took the train to Auckland — a trip they recommended so much that I did it as well , 5 weeks later — and after staying overnight with the Hartleys they flew out on 23rd March — five and a half months after our arrival .
2 ‘ I spoke to Robert — he called Dawn and she became so hysterical that I could n't understand her .
3 In the end the man became so nervous that I had to hold his arm and literally steer him through the crowd to the right spot .
4 After that they got so frequent that I had to select . ’
5 Well I do n't know it the way you two do the work it looks so fine that I did n't think I could see it properly .
6 Two army medics who were getting ready to deal with such things in the wild were also there , and they kept me laughing so much that I was wobbling up and down while the surgeon was trying to operate .
7 My confidence suffered so much that I failed to reach the 50-wicket mark in three successive County Championship campaigns with Middlesex .
8 I have never felt so much that I was in a foreign country with seemingly infinite resources available for any purpose you care to name , from stretch automobiles to space travel .
9 Not only did the idea come too late , he wrote , not only did the discipline come too late , not only did the resolution of individual problems come too late , but they came so late that I was not even aware of their lateness , and so they were doubly false and doubly useless and doubly meaningless .
10 Afterwards I would feel so guilty that I tried to make myself sick but actually , it never worked .
11 ‘ People made me feel so welcome that I will undoubtedly go back and live in the North-East .
12 The injustice of this request seemed so intolerable that I could n't speak .
13 He seemed so weak that I wondered how long he would live .
14 The room , and the view , and the two people , seemed so calm that I did not want to disturb them .
15 Everything here seemed so unreal that I had to come to terms with it as soon as possible , so that I can begin work .
16 Sometimes I have wondered myself , but have made so many friends and learnt so much that I can never regret the decision .
17 ‘ And he just stood there , ’ Emlyn concluded , ‘ looking so desperate that I gave us both an enormous gin and tonic ! ’
18 He 's made me work so hard that I feel tired and ill .
19 Do I sound so optimistic that I 'm not always conscious of the short step between swaddling-bands and cerements ?
20 And they say I ca n't remember it just happened so quick that I ca n't remember , they have been unconscious for a , it may be just a split second , it 's affected the brain , they are concussed .
21 These women seem so real that I feel sure that they were based , at least in part , on women that Anthony Trollope knew .
22 It 's got so bad that I do n't even know what to say . ’
23 It has been hyped so much that I was n't sure whether I would like it .
24 ‘ If I cry , he gets so angry that I ca n't bear it ’ , said another , ‘ and I go away and find somewhere by myself where I can go on crying ’ .
25 That 's the other problem , it 's getting so complicated that I do n't understand half of it myself .
26 By the time I turn into the little lane where I live it has become so intense that I usually slow down .
27 She had become so beautiful that I felt very distant from her .
28 ‘ Possibly because the new ventilation system I 've recently supervised being installed in a factory in one of the Arab Emirates has proved so successful that I have orders for two more , or possibly because I 've just spent four weeks at full stretch in a very hot country with very little relaxation and deserve a holiday — but more probably because I own a majority stockholding in the company I bought cheap and built up to its present eminence , which gives me the position of chairman and managing director and full autonomy in deciding what I do , where I do it and with whom . ’
29 My father worked so hard that I did not have to give too much of my ‘ dole ’ money to housekeeping .
30 ‘ Get out or so help me , I 'll yell so loud that I 'll wake the whole house !
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