Example sentences of "[verb] go and [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 listen to The Jam I might want to go and listen to fucking bit of heavy rock or something or bit of pop or something you know ?
2 As Bacci emerged through the blue fog that had collected near the door it occurred to the Captain that if Fusarri had been the normal sort of Substitute he would have had to go and report to him at his office , leaving his own smoke-free .
3 I 'm going to go and wave to your mummy , seeing as no one else will !
4 ‘ Now , I 'm going to go and apologise to her .
5 Hands down , hands down because erm we 've got to go and change to another class now
6 Yes I sha I shall have to go and talk to the tax people I know about er the the set up .
7 Yeah especially as er , I 'll have to go and speak to er must get hold of John
8 He decided to go and speak to her .
9 I felt awful as other children were upset and their mums looked horrified so I had to go and explain to each mum individually why I thought she did it and say that they were to feel free to stop her themselves and explain .
10 Well we had oh I 'm trying to think what we had today oh got out of assembly because I had to go and speak to this maths teacher who 's dead boring !
11 Celia put two of the beers on the table , then she stood back , knuckles of her right hand on her hip , and said she had to go and talk to someone .
12 Now , if you 'll excuse me , I have to go and speak to Adam . ’
13 In other words er unlike financial services where you have to go and talk to people about their financial
14 ‘ I 've got things to do , ’ she said stiffly , ‘ my mother is an invalid , I have to go and see to her . ’
15 I 'll be back in a second — I have to go and see to the hors-d'oeuvres — management 's orders . ’
16 I mean we do n't whether she sort of it does n't say whether she volunteered to go and talk to the people in the school , but even so it 's quite it takes quite a lot of doing to stand up in front of a group of people you do n't know and talk about the work .
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