Example sentences of "[verb] what they [vb past] was " in BNC.

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1 Martin Richmond , from Chalford in Gloucestershire , and a friend from London , pedalled through the Himalyas to establish what they believed was a new world altitude cycling record .
2 And in a nut shell , it is our case , we say the police , what the police did was reasonable in the circumstances and indeed to go any further and say what they did was necessary in the circumstances .
3 When Frobisher sailed to the north of America in 1576 , inspired by hopes of finding a north-west passage to India or China in the way that hopes of finding a north-east passage had led to the voyage that opened up the Muscovy trade , he and his backers were excited to find what they thought was gold on the route .
4 I was living at my folks and then my parents found what they thought was a lump of cannabis in my pocket .
5 It was the first general strike call made by the 45,000-member union , and on June 15 about 17 of 32 members of the MWU 's national council signed a communiqué denouncing MWU general secretary Mohammed Ould Rahdy for launching what they claimed was a politically motivated strike .
6 It exploded at 1.10am , seconds after two police officers sent to inspect what they thought was an abandoned white van under the flyover received the warning .
7 She and Mrs Taylor went around the shops ordering what they thought was necessary and Dad and his cronies , Fred the lamplighter and his workmate Willie Turner , went along to The Golden Cup to order the drink .
8 When they started dancing I did n't try and stop them because I had to let them do what they felt was right . ’
9 But when they arrived what they got was far from a welcome home .
10 And these wishy-washy types celebrated what they believed was the end of a bothersome cult . ’
11 An inquest in Lancaster had earlier been told that by the time the information was received , Lancashire Police had spent £250,000 investigating what they thought was the murder of John Threlfall , 18 .
12 They performed their task conscientiously under solemn oath and they placed what they thought was an accurate valuation upon every pot and pan , every piece of furniture , each farm animal and even the manure .
13 ‘ I suppose not , ’ Alyssia commented neutrally , then she said with a little more of her customary fire , ‘ although I feel as though I 've gone through my entire life with people doing what they felt was best for me . ’
14 Knowing what they shared was enough for now , and she was content for him to pick his moment , take his time and let Celeste down gently .
15 Andrew Muir , 14 , of Royston Mains Gardens , Edinburgh , said he and some friends had run down the street after hearing what they thought was a lorry crashing .
16 However , the silence continued for some time , as though the other rabbits did not care to mention what they thought was wrong .
17 In the pub , after a meeting devoted to tasting home-made wine , Nigel and Simon were asked what they thought was the basis of conservatism .
18 Dazed as I was , I managed to roll on to the floor and crawl under the table as people crowded over to watch what they thought was a fight .
19 There have also been at least five hospitalisations in the North-west recently , all people who became catatonic after taking what they thought was Ecstasy .
20 There have been several hospitalisations over the past few months , people who entered catatonic states after taking what they believed was E but turned out to be K. Now everybody is jumping on the Ketamine bandwagon .
21 No brickbats for that , for neither of them did it out of a sense of malice , but merely because they thought it was the right thing to do , and no doubt also because they believed , quite wrongly , that to instil a sense of guilt into me would ultimately be for my good , If I did what they thought was wrong then I was made to feel that someone , usually them , had suffered .
22 They did what they thought was best in the circumstances . ’
23 Surprisingly , given the folk image of policemen , on the one occasion when the field-worker accompanied some policemen on court duty , the men expressed a preference for ‘ fair ’ judges and actually criticized what they thought was the excessive penalty imposed by a ‘ hard ’ judge for the offence of throwing an empty can ( FN 9/3/87 , p. 10 ) .
24 Cos you got what they said was
25 ‘ He stood up and said what they did was wrong and he may well be a marked man now .
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