Example sentences of "[verb] she has a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I groaned , ‘ I expect she has a cold ’ .
2 She says she has a carrier like a like a a Christmas parcel wo n't it .
3 If she thinks she has a claim on this account , though , she should get in touch with the Inspector of Taxes .
4 But instead of meeting each problem separately and assessing it for what it is , the anorexic thinks she has a master-plan , designed to solve them all at one stroke .
5 People do not always observe the principle , of course , but where a speaker flouts it , the hearer will suspect she has a reason .
6 " We 'll see she has a job , do n't worry . "
7 She lives at the other end , Blackberry Lane , I 'm not sure of the number , but I was told she has a monkey puzzle tree in her front garden .
8 Head to toe black leather , and I believe she has a ring through her nose .
9 " Excuse me , but I understand she has a son of twenty . "
10 Hence , in a crisis , the otherwise powerless clerk who has advanced medical training suddenly finds she has a power base of limitless importance .
11 For it seems she has a father !
12 A teenager who feels she has a share in making family policies is far more likely to accept the need to give and take , balancing her wants and needs with those of her parents .
13 I quite like Cher , but I think she has a problem with wanting to look too good .
14 Also , I think she has a lot more tennis left .
15 In her gamble to win capital in Asia Miss Richardson considers she has an ace up her sleeve .
16 She now runs the Darlington branch of the National Epilepsy Society and to help parents and teachers recognise the symptoms she had she has a number of books and videos which she is willing to lend to anyone interested .
17 I intended at first only to teach her needlework to qualify her for a genteel position , for you see she has a delicacy in her person that makes it a pity ever to put her to hard work , but she masters everything so fast that now I am desirous to have to divert and entertain me in my thoughtful hours .
18 Despite her success , she insists on being down-to-earth and believes she has an obligation to give a little back to the sport which shot her to fame .
19 Ian Balding 's filly is 7-1 favourite for Ayr with sponsors Ladbrokes , but jockey Willie Carson knows she has a job on .
20 ‘ She knows she has a baby — is she giving him up just like that ?
21 For her just-a-handful , Charlotte is not afraid to admit she has a fave .
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