Example sentences of "[verb] she would have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Did n't he know she would have forgiven him anything ?
2 They looked out for Barbara Coleman on the way , but there were taxis about and no one doubted she would have called one .
3 Her barrister says she would have made just two thousand pounds … hardly enough to hire a hitman .
4 But for the help of a friend who sleeps in the bungalow at night , and who can help her go to the toilet if she needs to , she says she would have to go into a home .
5 Penelope 's way home took her along St Basil 's Terrace , or if it had not done she would have arranged her journey to include it , even if it had meant a slight detour .
6 Again , I do not feel she would have had any disposable income from her grant at college or part time earnings .
7 She had gone to his room ready to play the wanton , certainly believing she would have to seduce him into her arms , and there had been an undercurrent of panic at this .
8 It seemed she 'd have to stay here for a while .
9 Halfway through dressing , wearing his shirt and underpants , he looked for Moda in the workroom , where he assumed she would have thrown it on their pile of magazines ; he wanted to gaze at Bella Kropotkin again , but he could n't find the magazine .
10 And I mean , when , when that man was in her house do n't you think she would 've changed the locks or something ?
11 Remembering that he had sent Catherine Crane to see Angela Morgan 's employers , he decided to find out how she had got on ; late as it was he did not think she would have gone off duty without reporting to him .
12 I was dubious at first because since her illness Jennifer has become a very private person and I do n't think she would have liked all the hubbub over in the other section ; but here — ’ she glanced round at the softly decorated walls , the strategically placed water-colours and the subdued lighting ‘ — here , I think , could well be the answer . ’
13 I had infiltrated her teat with a local anaesthetic before stitching but I do n't think she would have moved if I had n't used any .
14 I do n't think she would have agreed to take off her hat and gloves if she did n't want to .
15 ‘ I do n't think she would have submitted — I would n't have done in that position — but she would definitely have lost consciousness and that would have given me the title . ’
16 If I had swung round straight away , I do n't think she would have got beyond line two , and that moment would have been lost .
17 I do n't think she would have told me a , a lie .
18 He wanted her badly , and if he 'd taken her in his arms she did n't think she would have put up any kind of resistance .
19 Ellie did n't think she would have had that sort of courage .
20 Mind you , I did n't tell her I was talking to SHE magazine immediately afterwards but I do n't think she would have minded because SHE readers are different , are n't they ?
21 ‘ Do you think she 'd have met my mother ? ’
22 He really was the most annoying , irritating man she had ever met , and if it had n't been for the fact that she knew he would carry out his threat and have her sacked she would have refused point-blank to go tonight .
23 She would have given anything for a glimpse of the moon that had been shining when she was here before , but it was not there , and as the knocking gathered strength she realised she would have to go down .
24 However , when his mother , Adele Britton , tried to remove it , she realised she would have to call in the professionals .
25 Horrified , she realised she would have to write and thank everyone .
26 When we took the prints of all the residents , she realised she 'd have to say something . ’
27 At last she sighed , realising she would have to wait patiently , so she said , ‘ OK — so you 're frustrated .
28 No member of the family knew her exact age and whatever they might have guessed she would have denied flatly .
29 And I expect if your father had n't died she 'd have had at least twenty children !
30 She would have to persuade someone to change places with her , and if that did n't work she would have to kidnap someone and force them to swap places .
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